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* Default elFinder config
* @type Object
* @autor Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype._options = {
* Connector url. Required!
* @type String
url : '',
* Ajax request type.
* @type String
* @default "get"
requestType : 'get',
* Transport to send request to backend.
* Required for future extensions using websockets/webdav etc.
* Must be an object with "send" method.
* transport.send must return $.Deferred() object
* @type Object
* @default null
* @example
* transport : {
* init : function(elfinderInstance) { },
* send : function(options) {
* var dfrd = $.Deferred();
* // connect to backend ...
* return dfrd;
* },
* upload : function(data) {
* var dfrd = $.Deferred();
* // upload ...
* return dfrd;
* }
* }
transport : {},
* Allow to drag and drop to upload files
* @type Boolean|String
* @default 'auto'
dragUploadAllow : 'auto',
* Timeout for upload using iframe
* @type Number
* @default 0 - no timeout
iframeTimeout : 0,
* Data to append to all requests and to upload files
* @type Object
* @default {}
customData : {token : '42', test : 'test'},
* Event listeners to bind on elFinder init
* @type Object
* @default {}
handlers : {},
* Interface language
* @type String
* @default "en"
lang : 'en',
* Additional css class for filemanager node.
* @type String
cssClass : '',
* Active commands list
* If some required commands will be missed here, elFinder will add its
* @type Array
commands : [
'open', 'reload', 'home', 'up', 'back', 'forward', 'getfile', 'quicklook',
'download', 'rm', 'duplicate', 'rename', 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'upload', 'copy',
'cut', 'paste', 'edit', 'extract', 'archive', 'search', 'info', 'view', 'help'
* Commands options.
* @type Object
commandsOptions : {
// "getfile" command options.
getfile : {
onlyURL : true,
// allow to return multiple files info
multiple : false,
// allow to return filers info
folders : false,
// action after callback (""/"close"/"destroy")
oncomplete : ''
// "upload" command options.
upload : {
ui : 'uploadbutton'
// "quicklook" command options.
quicklook : {
autoplay : true,
jplayer : 'extensions/jplayer'
* Callback for "getfile" commands.
* Required to use elFinder with WYSIWYG editors etc..
* @type Function
* @default null (command not active)
getFileCallback : null,
* UI plugins to load.
* Current dir ui and dialogs loads always.
* Here set not required plugins as folders tree/toolbar/statusbar etc.
* @type Array
* @default ['toolbar', 'places', 'tree', 'path', 'stat']
ui : ['toolbar', 'places', 'tree', 'path', 'stat'],
* Some UI plugins options.
* @type Object
uiOptions : {
// toolbar configuration
toolbar : [
['back', 'forward'],
// ['reload'],
// ['home', 'up'],
['mkdir', 'mkfile', 'upload'],
['open', 'download', 'getfile'],
['copy', 'cut', 'paste'],
['duplicate', 'rename', 'edit'],
['extract', 'archive'],
// directories tree options
tree : {
// expand current root on init
openRootOnLoad : true,
// auto load current dir parents
syncTree : true
// navbar options
navbar : {
minWidth : 150,
maxWidth : 500
* Display only required files by types
* @type Array
* @default []
* @example
* onlyMimes : ["image"] - display all images
* onlyMimes : ["image/png", "application/x-shockwave-flash"] - display png and flash
onlyMimes : [],
* How to sort files in current directory
* @type String
* @default "nameDirsFirst"
* @example
* - sort : 'nameDirsFirst' - sort by name, directory first
* - sort : 'kindDirsFirst' - sort by kind, name, directory first
* - sort : 'sizeDirsFirst' - sort by size, name, directory first
* - sort : 'name' - sort by name
* - sort : 'kind' - sort by kind, name
* - sort : 'size' - sort by size, name
sort : 'nameDirsFirst',
* elFinder width
* @type String|Number
* @default "auto"
width : 'auto',
* elFinder height
* @type Number
* @default "auto"
height : 400,
* Make elFinder resizable if jquery ui resizable available
* @type Boolean
* @default true
resizable : true,
* Timeout before open notifications dialogs
* @type Number
* @default 500 (.5 sec)
notifyDelay : 500,
* Allow shortcuts
* @type Boolean
* @default true
allowShortcuts : true,
* Remeber last opened dir to open it after reload or in next session
* @type Boolean
* @default true
rememberLastDir : true,
* Lazy load config.
* How many files display at once?
* @type Number
* @default 50
showFiles : 30,
* Lazy load config.
* Distance in px to cwd bottom edge to start display files
* @type Number
* @default 50
showThreshold : 50,
* Additional rule to valid new file name.
* By default not allowed empty names or '..'
* @type false|RegExp|function
* @default false
* @example
* disable names with spaces:
* validName : /^[^\s]$/
validName : false,
* Sync content interval
* @todo - fix in elFinder
* @type Number
* @default 0 (do not sync)
sync : 0,
* How many thumbnails create in one request
* @type Number
* @default 5
loadTmbs : 5,
* Cookie option for browsersdoes not suppot localStorage
* @type Object
cookie : {
expires : 30,
domain : '',
path : '/',
secure : false
* Contextmenu config
* @type Object
contextmenu : {
// navbarfolder menu
navbar : ['open', '|', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'duplicate', '|', 'rm', '|', 'info'],
// current directory menu
cwd : ['reload', 'back', '|', 'upload', 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'paste', '|', 'info'],
// current directory file menu
files : ['getfile', '|','open', 'quicklook', '|', 'download', '|', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'duplicate', '|', 'rm', '|', 'edit', 'rename', '|', 'archive', 'extract', '|', 'info']
* Debug config
* @type Array|Boolean
// debug : true
debug : ['error', 'warning', 'event-destroy']