mirror of https://github.com/avecms/AVE.cms.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
279 lines
9.9 KiB
279 lines
9.9 KiB
8 years ago
* AVE.cms
* autor: Repellent
* @package AVE.cms
* version 1.0
* 2016
* @filesource
define('BASE_DIR', str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))));
require_once(BASE_DIR . '/inc/init.php');
if (! check_permission('adminpanel'))
class TextImage
// если true, возвращает теги IMG, в которых изображение вкладывается как base64
public $return_as_html = true;
public $embed_image = false;
public $do_cache = true;
public $cache_folder = '../../uploads/txtimages';// создаем папку , куда будем складывать созданные изображения
function __construct()
if($this->do_cache === true){
if(!mkdir($this->cache_folder, 0755)){
$this->do_cache = false;
$this->do_cache = false;
else {
$this->do_cache = false;
if(!chmod($this->cache_folder, 0755)){
$this->do_cache = false;
else {
$this->do_cache = true;
else {
$this->do_cache = false;
private function cache($text, $font, $size, $color, $trans = 0, $shadow = false, $shadow_off = false)
$hash = md5($text . $font . $size . $color . $trans . $shadow . $shadow_off);
if(file_exists($this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.png')){
$image = file_get_contents($this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.png');
$text = file_get_contents($this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.txt');
if($this->return_as_html !== true){
return $image;
else {
if ($this->embed_image) {
return '<img alt="'.$text.'" class="textImage" src="data:image/png;base64,'.base64_encode($image).'" />';
else {
return '<img alt="'.$text.'" class="textImage" src="/'.$this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.png'.'" />';
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
public function generate($text, $font, $size, $color, $display_alt = 1, $trans = 0, $shadow = false, $shadow_off = false)
$cache = $this->cache($text, $font, $size, $color, $trans, $shadow, $shadow_off);
if($cache !== false){ return $cache; }
if ($display_alt == 1){
$text = ( !empty($text) ? trim(urldecode($text)) : "Заполните все поля!" );
$textWeb = str_replace(array("\n", "\r\n", "\r"), " ", $text);
else {
$text = ( !empty($text) ? trim(urldecode($text)) : "Нет сопоставлений" );
$textWeb = str_replace(array("\n", "\r\n", "\r"), " ", '');
if(file_exists($font)){ $font = $font; }
elseif(file_exists($font.'.ttf')){ $font = $font.'.ttf'; }
elseif(file_exists($font.'.otf')){ $font = $font.'.otf'; }
elseif(file_exists(BASE_DIR . '/fields/text_to_image/fonts/'.$font.'')){ $font = BASE_DIR . '/fields/text_to_image/fonts/'.$font.''; }
elseif(file_exists(BASE_DIR . '/fields/text_to_image/fonts/'.$font.'.ttf')){ $font = BASE_DIR . '/fields/text_to_image/fonts/'.$font.'.ttf'; }
elseif(file_exists(BASE_DIR . '/fields/text_to_image/fonts/'.$font.'.otf')){ $font = BASE_DIR . '/fields/text_to_image/fonts/'.$font.'.otf'; }
else {
$error_image.= "THP7MsEkppaYzFxjStpIdQBVu81NsDe+il4MFrVUSlerClYlOqJRSpMZUGVFqLPVQt";
$error_image.= "VA+CB5uDCuEdaj14EFEqGMH4b6mkVSyhlBIyHn5v4+z4m9ndbMCU5AvLb2fem/e+78";
$error_image.= "3Mm9/8YAXLHl7kWDv6FS9yolMjK7jtUWlV0YuMVxIDWjaygmWHSjUn9SJdwBHgL+BO";
$error_image.= "4KhTvRnI33Cq+8raXuQs8C3wgFN93Is8BvQA9wDjTnXCi5wzHYD7TO8OYNh8rjOft7";
$error_image.= "zIQYrFPAu861SvepFRpzqU4b8XWA1sAD52qhczPL62YT841QvGf9L8rbM8nIjjBb4v";
$error_image.= "8THPy4tsBd5yqg97kUeBfmA38AlQc6ofNovD7Iw61SEvcsypvlR/Brlu4OpUZzM8qs";
$error_image.= "ArlmOAbV7kEDAXxPpIGVeA7KIBngNOOtWaF+mz9lggn/QiW5zqj15kPfBHILviVMe8";
$error_image.= "yAiAU30/SvaE6Ry3vhETPwOccapTXmQz8JQXuQ5cdKqXIn7ZiuhUTwc+R8xGisdYNH";
$error_image.= "zGqb5qeluN13/iLfMR8XoBuGx8PjK9DZG/Vip7JfFMcT2V4mHyc071so0ZcKqvheOd";
$error_image.= "6qkEVypArxc5GP6APpNvdKo1C/g3it0Z4gKwy/7vAj4zR9UmibiRkW1yqlPmcwrYCG";
$error_image.= "wvWTBE3J9MGfQiPcB0mzzmK6oldxOJeFM+vMhO4AtgJuOn5Tja5JrjMVBfMIY/c+Nj";
$error_image.= "VCnKzvHISX3X3+1Fng9E10I9qwb3WvPBYBdv499jBy+yGthLUf5mgd4cqRLMJfprQa";
$error_image.= "W634scCHeFF1lDUWq7gac75DFXFm/sIxqzx47cEfLIxrEAxPmKeaTymRrfgGbHU82p";
$error_image.= "vtlEZ8aLrIr6dgNvB+1hYNSpXoWGRdkqmpZvp/qdF9kT9V0HXvQi/RQleaADHnUODf";
$error_image.= "GW+Dhttp8A3mvDfjKOBWA+Xwvkkcv3XLPJmPQig010PgeGgK+Cvn6neiVod9UnylCN";
$error_image.= "niF+tXcZbCJ+B77xIjtyJGwiZ8tkTvUXipKb4lGGrsD2IPCzNcviDX0ArAIecqoTOc";
$error_image.= "5lyMWxAK4pHj9F89qdGF+GfVXKS1G97x3gZS9SPzPP27tNiEvAB8B2c7ofWO9FDpi8";
$error_image.= "Dzhpu3qaYqK22LegLxM+j3qRaYob27Ddng55EaFI6Hl71+oNblVrgflvTnYL22927w";
$error_image.= "LGgVsRj57Id4g1XuQwjbenhngTPgAGgWdLYku1k3GU6OyI3jtzXFM86jn+29qbg9vT";
$error_image.= "WoqTIcX1CIsBL3Im+P/6ohj9n5GLI4x3KaDTnLf7utDxRzwv0g3Ugq6zndpcyiiJd9";
$error_image.= "lhMb787gQ+rTeiq9ztjNQNoiHeJYJmt6FFHf8PmykzDVQO9iwAAAAASUVORK5CYII=";
if($this->return_as_html !== true){
return base64_decode($error_image);
else {
return '<img alt="Ошибка при загрузке шрифта!" class="textImage" src="data:image/png;base64,'.$error_image.'" />';
$sizes = $this->getfontbox($size, 0, $font, $text);
$colors = $this->color($color);
if ($shadow !== false) {
if (is_numeric($shadow) && $shadow <= 4) {
if ($shadow_off != false) {
$i_base = $shadow_off;
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($sizes['width']+$shadow+$i_base+1, $sizes['height']+$shadow+$i_base+1);
else {
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($sizes['width'], $sizes['height']);
else {
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($sizes['width'], $sizes['height']);
imagesavealpha($im, true);
if (is_numeric($trans) && $trans <= 127 && $trans >= 0) {
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, $colors[0], $colors[1], $colors[2], $trans);
$trans_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $trans_color);
if ($shadow !== false && $shadow <= 4) {
if ($shadow_off != false) {
$i_base = $shadow_off;
else {
$i_base = 0;
for ($i=$i_base,$o=64; $i < $shadow+$i_base; $i++,$o+=16) {
$shadow_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 100, 100, 100, $o);
imagettftext($im, $size, 0, $sizes['left']+$i+1, $sizes['top']+$i+1, $shadow_color, $font, $text);
imagettftext($im, $size, 0, $sizes['left'], $sizes['top'], $color, $font, $text);
$image = ob_get_clean();
$hash = md5($text . $font . $size . $color . $shadow);
file_put_contents($this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.png', $image);
file_put_contents($this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.txt', $textWeb);
if($this->return_as_html !== true){
return $image;
else {
if ($this->embed_image == true) {
return '<img alt="'.$textWeb.'" class="textImage" src="data:image/png;base64,'.base64_encode($image).'" />';
else {
if ($this->do_cache == false) {
return '<img alt="'.$textWeb.'" class="textImage" src="data:image/png;base64,'.base64_encode($image).'" />';
else {
return '<img alt="'.$textWeb.'" class="textImage" src="/'.$this->cache_folder . '/' . $hash . '.png'.'" />';
private function getfontbox($font_size, $font_angle, $font_file, $text)
$box = imagettfbbox($font_size, $font_angle, $font_file, $text);
if( !$box ) return false;
$min_x = min( array($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]) );
$max_x = max( array($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]) );
$min_y = min( array($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]) );
$max_y = max( array($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]) );
$width = ( $max_x - $min_x );
$height = ( $max_y - $min_y );
$left = abs( $min_x ) + $width;
$top = abs( $min_y ) + $height;
$img = @imagecreatetruecolor( $width << 2, $height << 2 );
$white = imagecolorallocate( $img, 255, 255, 255 );
$black = imagecolorallocate( $img, 0, 0, 0 );
imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, imagesx($img), imagesy($img), $black);
imagettftext( $img, $font_size,
$font_angle, $left, $top,
$white, $font_file, $text);
$rleft = $w4 = $width<<2;
$rright = 0;
$rbottom = 0;
$rtop = $h4 = $height<<2;
for( $x = 0; $x < $w4; $x++ )
for( $y = 0; $y < $h4; $y++ )
if( imagecolorat( $img, $x, $y ) ){
$rleft = min( $rleft, $x );
$rright = max( $rright, $x );
$rtop = min( $rtop, $y );
$rbottom = max( $rbottom, $y );
imagedestroy( $img );
return array( "left" => $left - $rleft,
"top" => $top - $rtop,
"width" => $rright - $rleft + 1,
"height" => $rbottom - $rtop + 1 );
private function color($color)
if($color[0].$color[1].$color[2] == "rgb"){
preg_match("/^rgb\((\d*),\s(\d*),\s(\d*)\)$/", $color, $colors);
return array($colors[1], $colors[2], $colors[3]);
else {
if ($color[0] == '#')
$color = substr($color, 1);
if (strlen($color) == 6)
list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[1],
elseif (strlen($color) == 3)
list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[0], $color[1].$color[1], $color[2].$color[2]);
return false;
$r = hexdec($r); $g = hexdec($g); $b = hexdec($b);
return array($r, $g, $b);