AVE.CMS v3.28
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5 years ago
class Registry
private static $_storage = [];
private static $_instance;
protected function __construct ()
public static function init ()
if (self::$_instance == null)
self::$_instance = new self;
return self::$_instance;
| Установка значения
public static function set ($key, $value)
//if ($key == 'documents')
// Debug::_($value);
return self::$_storage[$key] = $value;
| Получение значения
public static function get ($key, $arrkey = null, $default = null)
if (empty($arrkey))
return (isset(self::$_storage[$key])) ? self::$_storage[$key] : $default;
return (isset(self::$_storage[$key][$arrkey])) ? self::$_storage[$key][$arrkey] : $default;
| Удаление
public static function remove ($key, $arrkey = null)
if (empty($arrkey))
return true;
| Проверка
public static function stored ($key, $arrkey = null)
if (empty($arrkey))
return isset (self::$_storage[$key]);
return isset(self::$_storage[$key][$arrkey]);
| Очистка
public static function clean ()
self::$_storage = [];
return true;
| Добавить значение в конец
public static function addAfter ($key, $value)
return self::$_storage[$key] .= $value;
| Добавить значение в начало
public static function addBefore ($key, $value)
return self::$_storage[$key] = self::$_storage[$key] . $value;
| Вывод
public static function output ()
return self::$_storage;
private function __sleep ()
self::$_storage = serialize (self::$_storage);
private function __wakeup ()
self::$_storage = unserialize (self::$_storage);