AVE.CMS v3.28
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
868 B

7 years ago
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".field_numeric").on('keydown', function(event) {
var num_dot = $(this).attr('data-num-dot');
var keyCode = window.event ? event.keyCode : event.which;
var foo = 0;
// prevent if already dot
if (keyCode != 8 && keyCode != 46) {
if ((foo == 0) && (keyCode != 190) && (keyCode < 96 || keyCode > 105) && (keyCode < 46 || keyCode > 59)) {
} // prevent if not number/dot
if ($(this).val().indexOf('.') > -1) {
if (keyCode == 190) event.preventDefault();
$(this).keyup(function() {
this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/i, "");
if($(this).val().split(".")[1].length >= num_dot){
if( isNaN( parseFloat( this.value ) ) ) return;
this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(num_dot);
return this;