/* * WARNING! Use this file only if you want to make translation * Please submit your translation to the project by creating new issue at: * http://elrte.org/redmine/projects/elrte/issues/new */ /* * YOUR_LANGUAGE_TRANSLATION translation * @author NAME * @version 201x-xx-xx */ (function($) { // LANG_CODE can be 2-letter "en", "fr" or 5-letter "pt_BR", "zh_CN" elRTE.prototype.i18Messages.LANG_CODE = { '_translator' : 'YOUR_NAME <YOUR_EMAIL>', '_translation' : 'YOUR_TRANSLATION NAME', // will be seen in about dialog 'Editor' : '', 'Source' : '', // panels names 'Copy/Pase' : '', 'Undo/Redo' : '', 'Text styles' : '', 'Colors' : '', 'Alignment' : '', 'Indent/Outdent' : '', 'Text format' : '', 'Lists' : '', 'Misc elements' : '', 'Links' : '', 'Images' : '', 'Media' : '', 'Tables' : '', 'File manager (elFinder)' : '', // buttons names 'About this software' : '', 'Save' : '', 'Copy' : '', 'Cut' : '', 'Paste' : '', 'Paste only text' : '', 'Paste formatted text' : '', 'Clean format' : '', 'Undo last action' : '', 'Redo previous action' : '', 'Bold' : '', 'Italic' : '', 'Underline' : '', 'Strikethrough' : '', 'Superscript' : '', 'Subscript' : '', 'Align left' : '', 'Ailgn right' : '', 'Align center' : '', 'Align full' : '', 'Font color' : '', 'Background color' : '', 'Indent' : '', 'Outdent' : '', 'Format' : '', 'Font size' : '', 'Font' : '', 'Ordered list' : '', 'Unordered list' : '', 'Horizontal rule' : '', 'Blockquote' : '', 'Block element (DIV)' : '', 'Link' : '', 'Delete link' : '', 'Bookmark' : '', 'Image' : '', 'Table' : '', 'Delete table' : '', 'Insert row before' : '', 'Insert row after' : '', 'Delete row' : '', 'Insert column before' : '', 'Insert column after' : '', 'Delete column' : '', 'Merge table cells' : '', 'Split table cell' : '', 'Toggle display document structure' : '', 'Table cell properties' : '', 'Table properties' : '', 'Toggle full screen mode' : '', 'Open file manager' : '', 'Non breakable space' : '', 'Stop element floating' : '', // dialogs 'Warning' : '', 'Properies' : '', 'Popup' : '', 'Advanced' : '', 'Events' : '', 'Width' : '', 'Height' : '', 'Left' : '', 'Center' : '', 'Right' : '', 'Border' : '', 'Background' : '', 'Css class' : '', 'Css style' : '', 'No' : '', 'Title' : '', 'Script direction' : '', 'Language' : '', 'Charset' : '', 'Not set' : '', 'Left to right' : '', 'Right to left' : '', 'In this window' : '', 'In new window (_blank)' : '', 'In new parent window (_parent)' : '', 'In top frame (_top)' : '', 'URL' : '', 'Open in' : '', 'Open file manger' : '', // copy 'This operation is disabled in your browser on security reason. Use shortcut instead.' : '', // format 'Heading 1' : '', 'Heading 2' : '', 'Heading 3' : '', 'Heading 4' : '', 'Heading 5' : '', 'Heading 6' : '', 'Paragraph' : '', 'Address' : '', 'Preformatted' : '', // font size 'Small (8pt)' : '', 'Small (10px)' : '', 'Small (12pt)' : '', 'Normal (14pt)' : '', 'Large (18pt)' : '', 'Large (24pt)' : '', 'Large (36pt)' : '', // bookmark 'Bookmark name' : '', // link 'Link URL' : '', 'Target' : '', 'Select bookmark' : '', 'Open link in popup window' : '', 'Window name' : '', 'Window size' : '', 'Window position' : '', 'Location bar' : '', 'Menu bar' : '', 'Toolbar' : '', 'Scrollbars' : '', 'Status bar' : '', 'Resizable' : '', 'Depedent' : '', 'Add return false' : '', 'Target MIME type' : '', 'Relationship page to target (rel)' : '', 'Relationship target to page (rev)' : '', 'Tab index' : '', 'Access key' : '', // image 'Size' : '', 'Preview' : '', 'Margins' : '', 'Alt text' : '', 'Image URL' : '', // table 'Spacing' : '', 'Padding' : '', 'Rows' : '', 'Columns' : '', 'Groups' : '', 'Cells' : '', 'Caption' : '', 'Inner borders' : '', // table cell 'Table cell type' : '', 'Data' : '', 'Header' : '', 'Justify' : '', 'Paddings' : '', 'Apply to' : '', 'Current cell' : '', 'All cells in row' : '', 'All cells in column' : '', 'All cells in table' : '', // about 'About elRTE' : '', 'Version' : '', 'Licence' : '', 'elRTE is an open-source JavaScript based WYSIWYG HTML-editor.' : '', 'Main goal of the editor - simplify work with text and formating (HTML) on sites, blogs, forums and other online services.' : '', 'You can use it in any commercial or non-commercial projects.' : '', 'Authors' : '', 'Chief developer' : '', 'Developer, tech support' : '', 'Developer' : '', 'Interface designer' : '', 'Spanish localization' : '', 'Czech localization' : '', 'Japanese localization' : '', 'Latvian localization' : '', 'German localization' : '', 'Ukranian localization' : '', 'Persian (farsi) localization' : '', 'Arabic localization' : '', 'RTL support' : '', 'French localization' : '', 'Dutch localization' : '', 'Hungarian localization' : '', 'Polish localization' : '', 'Italian localization' : '', 'Traditional Chinese localization' : '', 'For more information about this software visit the' : '', 'elRTE website' : 'на сайте elRTE' } })(jQuery);