mirror of https://github.com/avecms/AVE.cms.git
214 lines
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214 lines
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<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> |
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event.preventDefault(); |
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var title = '{#NAVI_NEW_MENU#}'; |
var text = '{#NAVI_ENTER_NAME#}'; |
if (user_group == ""){ldelim} |
jAlert(text,title); |
{rdelim}else{ldelim} |
$.alerts._overlay('show'); |
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{rdelim} |
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$(".CopyNavi").click( function(event) {ldelim} |
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if (b){ldelim} |
$.alerts._overlay('show'); |
window.location = href + '&title=' + b; |
{rdelim} |
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var clipboard = new Clipboard('.copyBtn'); |
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{$item->navigation_title|escape:html|stripslashes} |
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<span title="" class="topleftDir icon_sprite ico_navigation_no"></span> |
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<td>{#NAVI_TITLE2#}</td> |
<td><input name="navigation_title_new" type="text" id="navigation_title_new" value="" placeholder="{#NAVI_NAME#}" style="width: 400px"></td> |
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<tr> |
<td> |
<div class="nowrap"> |
<strong><a class="toprightDir" title="{#NAVI_I#}">[?]</a></strong> {#NAVI_ALIAS#}: |
</div> |
</td> |
<td> |
<div class="pr12"> |
<input type="text" name="alias" id="alias" value="" class="mousetrap" data-accept="{#NAVI_ACCEPT#}" data-error-syn="{#NAVI_ER_SYN#}" data-error-exists="{#NAVI_ER_EXISTS#}" placeholder="{#NAVI_ALIAS#}" maxlength="20" style="width: 200px;" autocomplete="off" /> |
<input type="text" id="alias_tag" value="[tag:navigation:]" readonly size="40" class="mousetrap" style="width: 200px;" /> |
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<td colspan="2"><input type="button" class="basicBtn AddNavigation" value="{#NAVI_BUTTON_ADD_MENU#}" /></td> |
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{/if} |
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{literal} |
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$(document).on('change', '#alias', function (event) { |
var input = $(this); |
var alias = input.val(); |
if (alias > '') { |
$.ajax({ |
url: 'index.php?do=navigation&action=alias&cp=' + $sess, |
data: { |
alias: alias |
}, |
success: function (data) { |
if (data === '1') { |
$.jGrowl(input.attr('data-accept'), {theme: 'accept'}); |
} |
else if (data === 'syn') { |
$.jGrowl(input.attr('data-error-syn'), {theme: 'error'}); |
alias = $nid ? $nid : ''; |
} |
else { |
$.jGrowl(input.attr('data-error-exists'), {theme: 'error'}); |
alias = $nid ? $nid : ''; |
} |
$('#alias_tag').val('[tag:navigation:' + alias + ']'); |
} |
}); |
} |
else { |
alias = $nid ? $nid : ''; |
$('#alias_tag').val('[tag:navigation:' + alias + ']'); |
} |
return false; |
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{/literal} |