mirror of https://github.com/avecms/AVE.cms.git
1098 lines
27 KiB
1098 lines
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* Плагин для подключения сортировки к таблице |
* |
* @param mixed items селектор для сортируемых элементов default: 'tr' |
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* @param string success текст, которые показывает всплывашка в случае успеха default: 'Порядок сохранён' |
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var AveAdmin = { |
initialized: false, |
initialize: function() { |
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this.drop_down(); |
this.collapsible_select(); |
this.confirm_logout(); |
this.confirm_delete(); |
this.ui_totop(); |
this.modalDialog(); |
this.trim(); |
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ajax: function() { |
this.select_form(); |
this.main_form(); |
this.place_holder(); |
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var confirm = clearCacheConfirm; |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
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$.alerts._overlay('show'); |
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templateCompiledTemplate: 1, |
moduleCache: 1, |
sqlCache: 1 |
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success: function(data) { |
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theme: data[1] |
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$('.cachesize').html('0 Kb'); |
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defaultOpen: '', |
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cssClose: 'normal', |
speed: 5, |
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loadClose: function(elem, opts) { |
elem.next().hide(); |
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setTimeout(function() { |
AveAdmin.sticky_panel_refresh(); |
AveAdmin.select_form(); |
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//Окно очистки кэша + Сессий |
clear_cache_sess: function() { |
$(".clearCacheSess").click(function(event) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
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$.alerts._overlay('show'); |
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templateCompiledTemplate: 1, |
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sqlCache: 1, |
sessionUsers: 1 |
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theme: data[1] |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
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url: ave_path + 'admin/index.php?do=settings&sub=clearrevision&ajax=run', |
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dataType: "json", |
success: function(data) { |
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header: data['header'], |
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//Окно очистки ревизий документов |
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title, |
function(b) { |
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type: 'POST', |
dataType: "json", |
success: function(data) { |
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header: data['header'], |
theme: data['theme'] |
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//Окно очистки миниатюр изображений |
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var confirm = clearThumbConfirm; |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
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url: ave_path + 'admin/index.php?do=settings&sub=clearthumb&ajax=run', |
type: 'POST', |
dataType: "json", |
success: function(data) { |
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$.jGrowl(data[0], { |
theme: data[1] |
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} |
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} |
} |
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//Показать размер кэша |
cache_show: function() { |
$("#cacheShow").click(function(event, x) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
var title = cacheShowTitle; |
var confirm = cacheShowConfirm; |
jConfirm( |
confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
if (b) { |
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$.alerts._overlay('show'); |
$.ajax({ |
url: ave_path + 'admin/index.php?do=settings&sub=showcache&ajax=run', |
type: 'POST', |
dataType: "json", |
data: ({ |
showCache: 1 |
}), |
success: function(data) { |
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//Показать размер кэша |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
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//Окно удаления едемента |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
if (b) { |
$.alerts._overlay('show'); |
window.location = href; |
} |
} |
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//Выход |
confirm_logout: function() { |
$(".ConfirmLogOut").click(function(event) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
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var title = logoutTitle; |
var confirm = logoutConfirm; |
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confirm, |
title, |
function(b) { |
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label: 'Выбрать...' |
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// jQuery UI Dialog |
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if (typeof dialogHeight == 'undefined' || dialogHeight == '') var dialogHeight = $(window).height() * 0.8; |
ajaxDialog.dialog({ |
autoOpen: false, |
modal: dialogModal, |
dialogClass: 'fixed-dialog', |
close: function(event, ui) { |
$(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); |
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$('#' + ajaxDialog.attr('id')).load(dialogHref + dialogTemplate, function() { |
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ajaxDialog.dialog("option", "height", dialogHeight); |
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ajaxDialog.dialog("open"); |
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return false; |
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}, |
//функция-аналог trim в php |
trim: function() { |
if (!String.prototype.trim) { |
String.prototype.trim = function() { |
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); |
}; |
} |
}, |
//Tooltip |
tooltip: function() { |
$('body').addTipsy(); |
}, |
// Fancybox |
fancy_box: function() { |
if (typeof width == 'undefined' || width == '') var width = screen.width * 0.8; |
if (typeof height == 'undefined' || height == '') var height = screen.height * 0.7; |
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padding: 0, |
margin: '30px', |
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speedIn: 100, |
speedOut: 100, |
overlayOpacity: 0.5, |
overlayColor: "#000", |
centerOnScroll: true, |
width: width, |
height: height |
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// Fancybox |
fancy_frame: function() { |
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$("a.iframe").fancybox({ |
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margin: 0, |
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speedIn: 100, |
speedOut: 100, |
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overlayColor: "#000", |
centerOnScroll: true |
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select_form: function() { |
setTimeout(function() { |
$(".mainForm select").styler({ |
selectVisibleOptions: 5, |
selectSearch: false |
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$(".mainForm select").trigger('refresh'); |
}, 100); |
}, |
collapsible_select: function () { |
$('.head.closed').on('click', function(){ |
AveAdmin.select_form(); |
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}, |
// Преобразование форм |
main_form: function() { |
$(".mainForm").jqTransform({ |
imgPath: "../images" |
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// Placeholder for all browsers |
place_holder: function() { |
$('input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]').placeholder(); |
}, |
// A transactions |
a_actions: function() { |
$('.actions a').hover(function() { |
$(this).animate({ |
opacity: 1.0 |
}, 100); |
}, function() { |
$(this).animate({ |
opacity: 0.5 |
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// DropDown menu |
drop_down: function() { |
$(".dropdown").on("mouseenter mouseleave", function(event) { |
var ul = $(this).children("ul"); |
ul.stop(true, true); |
if (event.type === "mouseenter") { |
ul.slideToggle(10); |
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ul.hide(10); |
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docPosition: function () { |
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$(q_up).on('click',function(event) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
$(q_submit).css({'display':'block'}); |
value = parseInt($(item).find('.position_value').val()); |
value += 1; |
$(item).find('.position_value').val(value); |
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$(q_down).on('click',function(event){ |
event.preventDefault(); |
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value = (value < 1 ? 0 : value-1); |
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$(item).off('submit'); |
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$(q_loading).css({'display':'none'}); |
$(item).find('.position_value').on('change',function(){ |
$(q_submit).css({'display':'block'}); |
return false; |
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$(item).find('.position_value').on('focus',function(){ |
$(q_submit).css({'display':'block'}); |
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$(item).on('blur',function(){ |
$(q_submit).css({'display':'none'}); |
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$(item).on('submit',function(){ |
$(q_submit).css({'display':'none'}); |
$(q_loading).css({'display':'block'}); |
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'action': 'changepos', |
'id':$(this).find('input[name=id]').val(), |
'value':$(this).find('input[name=document_position]').val() |
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$.ajax({ |
url: ave_path + 'admin/index.php?do=docs', |
type: 'POST', |
dataType: 'json', |
data: dataForm, |
success: function(data) { |
$(q_loading).css({'display':'none'}); |
$.jGrowl(data['message'], { |
header: data['header'], |
theme: data['theme'] |
}); |
} |
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return false; |
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$(q_submit).on('click',function(event){ |
event.preventDefault(); |
$(item).submit(); |
return false; |
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$(document).keydown(function(event) { |
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if (selectedIndex > 0) { |
$("#rubric_id").val(parseInt($("#rubric_id option:selected").val()) - 1); |
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break; |
case 40: // DOWN Key |
if (selectedIndex < numberOfOptions - 1) { |
$("#rubric_id").val(parseInt($("#rubric_id option:selected").val()) + 1); |
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break; |
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}); |
$(document).ready(function() { |
AveAdmin.initialize(); |
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