mirror of https://github.com/avecms/AVE.cms.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
528 lines
18 KiB
528 lines
18 KiB
<?php |
/** |
* AVE.cms |
* |
* @package AVE.cms |
* @version 3.x |
* @filesource |
* @copyright © 2007-2014 AVE.cms, http://www.ave-cms.ru |
* |
* @license GPL v.2 |
*/ |
/** |
* Функции |
*/ |
function check_mysql_connect($dbhost = '', $dbuser = '', $dbpass = '') |
{ |
if ($dbhost != '' && $dbuser != '') |
{ |
if (@mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)) return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
function check_mysql_query($link = '', $sql = '') |
{ |
if ($sql != '' && $link != '') |
{ |
if (@mysqli_query($link, $sql)) return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
function check_db_connect($dbhost = '', $dbuser = '', $dbpass = '', $dbname = '') |
{ |
if ($dbhost != '' && $dbuser != '' && $dbname != '') |
{ |
if (@mysqli_select_db(@mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass), $dbname)) return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
function check_installed($prefix) |
{ |
global $config; |
$mysql = @mysqli_connect($config['dbhost'], $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass'], $config['dbname']); |
$query = @mysqli_query($mysql, "SELECT 1 FROM " . $prefix . "_users LIMIT 1"); |
if (@mysqli_num_rows($query)) return true; |
else return false; |
} |
function check_required() |
{ |
global $error_is_required, $lang_i; |
$required_php = 522; |
$required = array(); |
$required[] = '/install/eula/ru.tpl'; |
foreach ($required as $is_required) |
{ |
if (@!is_file(BASE_DIR . $is_required)) |
{ |
array_push($error_is_required, $lang_i['error_is_required'] . $is_required . $lang_i['error_is_required_2'] ); |
} |
} |
$myphp = @PHP_VERSION; |
if ($myphp) |
{ |
$myphp_v = str_replace('.', '', $myphp); |
if ($myphp_v < $required_php) |
{ |
array_push($error_is_required, $lang_i['phpversion_toold'] . $required_php); |
} |
} |
} |
function check_writable() |
{ |
global $error_is_required, $lang_i; |
$writeable = array(); |
$writeable[] = '/tmp/'; |
$writeable[] = '/tmp/cache/'; |
$writeable[] = '/uploads/'; |
$writeable[] = '/config/db.config.php'; |
foreach ($writeable as $must_writeable) |
{ |
if (! is_writable(BASE_DIR . $must_writeable)) |
{ |
array_push($error_is_required, $lang_i['error_is_writeable'] . $must_writeable . $lang_i['error_is_writeable_2'] ); |
} |
} |
} |
function clean_db ($name="", $prefix="", $mysql_connect) |
{ |
@mysqli_select_db($mysql_connect, $name); |
$query = @mysqli_query($mysql_connect, "SHOW TABLES FROM " . $name); |
while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM)) |
{ |
if (preg_match("/^" . $prefix . "/", $row[0])) |
{ |
@mysqli_query($mysql_connect ,"DROP TABLE " . $row[0]); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* Convert size from 10M to bytes |
* |
* @param string $str e.g. 10M |
* @return int |
*/ |
function convertSizeToBytes($str) |
{ |
$str = trim($str); |
if (strlen($str) > 0) |
{ |
$cLastAlpha = strtolower(substr($str, -1)); |
$size = intval($str); |
switch($cLastAlpha) |
{ |
case 't': |
$size *= 1024; |
case 'g': |
$size *= 1024; |
case 'm': |
$size *= 1024; |
case 'k': |
$size *= 1024; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
$size = 0; |
} |
return $size; |
} |
/** |
* Get GD version |
* @return string |
*/ |
function getGdVersion() |
{ |
if (function_exists('gd_info')) |
{ |
$gd_info = @gd_info(); |
return preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', '', $gd_info['GD Version']); |
} |
return NULL; |
} |
/** |
* Get PCRE version |
* @return string |
*/ |
function getPcreVersion() |
{ |
defined('PCRE_VERSION') |
? list($version) = explode(' ', constant('PCRE_VERSION')) |
: $version = NULL; |
return $version; |
} |
/** |
* Get MySQL version |
* @return string |
*/ |
function getMySQLVersion() { |
$output = mysqli_get_client_info(); |
preg_match('@[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+@', $output, $version); |
return $version[0]; |
} |
function check_param($level, $text) |
{ |
$level = intval($level); |
switch ($level) |
{ |
//Параметр не соответствует. |
case 2: |
$img = 'ico_delete'; |
break; |
//Несоответствие, не влияющее на функционирование системы. |
case 1: |
$img = 'ico_ok'; |
break; |
//Параметр соответствует. |
case 0: |
$img = 'ico_ok_green'; |
break; |
//По умолчанию |
default: |
$img = 'ico_ok_noproblem'; |
break; |
} |
return $img; |
} |
/** |
* @subpackage install |
*/ |
error_reporting(E_ERROR); |
ini_set('display_errors', 7); |
global $config; |
ob_start(); |
define('SETUP', 1); |
define('BASE_DIR', str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); |
if (! is_writable(BASE_DIR . '/cache/smarty/')) |
die('Cache folder is not writeable!'); |
include(BASE_DIR . '/config/db.config.php'); |
include(BASE_DIR . '/inc/config.php'); |
include(BASE_DIR . '/functions/func.common.php'); |
include(BASE_DIR . '/functions/func.helpers.php'); |
include(BASE_DIR . '/class/class.template.php'); |
$AVE_Template = new AVE_Template(BASE_DIR . '/install/tpl/'); |
$lang_file = BASE_DIR . '/install/lang/ru.txt'; |
$AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file); |
$ver = APP_NAME . ' v' . APP_VERSION; |
$db_connect = check_db_connect($config['dbhost'], $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass'], $config['dbname']); |
$check_installed = check_installed($config['dbpref']); |
if ((true === $db_connect) && $_REQUEST['step'] != 'finish' && check_installed($config['dbpref'])) { |
echo '<pre>' . $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('installed') . '</pre>'; |
exit; |
}; |
$error_is_required = array(); |
check_required(); |
check_writable(); |
// include_once(BASE_DIR . '/inc/errors.php'); |
$count_error = sizeof((array) $error_is_required); |
if (1 == $count_error) |
{ |
$AVE_Template->assign('error_header', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('erroro')); |
} |
elseif ($count_error > 1) |
{ |
$AVE_Template->assign('error_header', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('erroro_more')); |
} |
if ($count_error > 0 && ! (isset($_REQUEST['force']) && 1 == $_REQUEST['force'])) |
{ |
$AVE_Template->assign('error_is_required', $error_is_required); |
$AVE_Template->display('error.tpl'); |
exit; |
} |
$_REQUEST['step'] = isset($_REQUEST['step']) ? $_REQUEST['step'] : ''; |
// Минимальные требования к системе |
define('PHP_version', '5.6'); |
define('MySQL_version', '5.0.0'); |
define('GD_version', '2.0'); |
define('PCRE_version', '7.0'); |
define('JSON', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on')); |
define('MbString', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on')); |
define('SimpleXML', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on')); |
define('Iconv', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on')); |
define('XSLT', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_supported')); |
define('Data_limit', '2'); // Mb |
define('TIME_limit', '30'); // Sec |
define('DISC_space', '30'); // Mb |
define('RAM_space', '32M'); // Mb |
define('SAFE_MODE', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off')); |
define('REGISTER_GLOBALS', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off')); |
define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off')); |
switch ($_REQUEST['step']) |
{ |
//Начало |
case '' : |
//Шаг 1 |
case '1' : |
$AVE_Template->display('step1.tpl'); |
break; |
//Шаг 2 |
case '2' : |
$AVE_Template->display('step2.tpl'); |
break; |
//Шаг 3 |
case '3' : |
$test['php_version'] = phpversion(); |
$test['mysql_version'] = getMySQLVersion(); |
$test['gd_version'] = getGdVersion(); |
$test['pcre_version'] = getPcreVersion(); |
$test['json'] = function_exists('json_encode') ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$test['simplexml'] = function_exists('simplexml_load_string') ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$test['mbstring'] = function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$test['iconv'] = function_exists('iconv') ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$test['xslt'] = (function_exists('xslt_create') || function_exists('domxml_xslt_stylesheet') || (class_exists('DomDocument') && class_exists('XsltProcessor'))) ? XSLT : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_unsupported'); |
$test['data_limit'] = ini_get('post_max_size') ? ini_get('post_max_size') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined'); |
$test['time_limit'] = ini_get('max_execution_time') ? ini_get('max_execution_time') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined'); |
$test['disk_space'] = round(@disk_free_space($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) / 1024 / 1024, 2); |
$test['memmory_limit'] = ini_get('memory_limit') ? ini_get('memory_limit') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined'); |
$test['s_m'] = (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1) ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$test['r_g'] = (ini_get('register_globals') == 1) ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$test['m_q'] = (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == 1 || ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime') == 1 || ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase') == 1) ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_on') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_off'); |
$check['php_version'] = check_param(version_compare(phpversion(), PHP_version, ">=") ? 0 : 2, $test['php_version']); |
$check['mysql_version'] = check_param(version_compare(getMySQLVersion(), MySQL_version, ">=") ? 0 : 2, $test['mysql_version']); |
$check['gd_version'] = check_param(version_compare($test['gd_version'], GD_version, ">=") ? 0 : 2, $test['gd_version']); |
$check['pcre_version'] = check_param(version_compare($test['pcre_version'], PCRE_version, ">=") ? 0 : 2, $test['pcre_version']); |
$check['mbstring'] = check_param(function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') ? 0 : 2, $test['mbstring']); |
$check['json'] = check_param(function_exists('json_encode') ? 0 : 2, $test['json']); |
$check['simplexml'] = check_param(function_exists('simplexml_load_string') ? 0 : 2, $test['simplexml']); |
$check['iconv'] = check_param(function_exists('iconv') ? 0 : 2, $test['iconv']); |
$check['xslt'] = check_param(($test['xslt'] == XSLT) ? 0 : 2, $test['xslt']); |
$check['data_limit'] = check_param(($test['data_limit'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined') && version_compare($test['data_limit'], Data_limit, ">=")) ? 0 : 2, $test['data_limit']); |
$check['time_limit'] = check_param(($test['time_limit'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined') && $test['time_limit'] >= TIME_limit) ? 0 : 2, ($test['time_limit'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined')) ? $test['time_limit'] . " " . $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('seconds') : $t_l); |
$check['disk_space'] = check_param(($test['disk_space'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined') && $test['disk_space'] >= DISC_space) ? 0 : 2, ($test['disk_space'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined')) ? $test['disk_space'].$AVE_Template->get_config_vars('megabytes') : $test['disk_space']); |
$check['memmory_limit'] = check_param(($test['memmory_limit'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined') && convertSizeToBytes($test['memmory_limit']) >= convertSizeToBytes(RAM_space)) ? 0 : (($test['memmory_limit'] != $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mess_undefined')) ? 2 : 1), $test['memmory_limit']); |
$check['s_m'] = check_param(($test['s_m'] == SAFE_MODE) ? 0 : 1, $test['s_m']); |
$check['r_g'] = check_param(($test['r_g'] == REGISTER_GLOBALS) ? 0 : 1, $test['r_g']); |
$check['m_q'] = check_param(($test['m_q'] == MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) ? 0 : 1, $test['m_q']); |
$AVE_Template->assign('check', $check); |
$AVE_Template->assign('test', $test); |
$AVE_Template->display('step3.tpl'); |
break; |
//Шаг 4 |
case '4' : |
if (!empty($_POST['dbname']) && !empty($_POST['dbprefix'])) |
{ |
$db_connect = check_db_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass'], $_POST['dbname']); |
if (true === $db_connect) { |
$mysql_connect = @mysqli_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass']); |
@mysqli_select_db($mysql_connect, $_POST['dbname']); |
} |
// Очищаем бд (по префиксу) |
if (isset($_REQUEST["dbclean"]) && $_REQUEST["dbclean"] == "1") { |
clean_db($_POST['dbname'], $_POST['dbprefix'], $mysql_connect); |
} |
// Создать новую БД |
if(isset($_REQUEST['dbcreat'])){ |
$link = check_mysql_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass']); |
if (false === $link) { |
$AVE_Template->assign('warning', 'Ошибка соединения: ' . mysqli_error()); |
} else { |
$mysqli_connect = @mysqli_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass']); |
} |
if(false === $db_connect) { |
@mysqli_query($mysqli_connect, "SET collation_server = 'utf8_general_ci'"); |
@mysqli_query($mysqli_connect, "SET character_set_server = 'utf8'"); |
$sql = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $_POST['dbname']; |
if (false === check_mysql_query($mysqli_connect, $sql)) { |
$AVE_Template->assign('warning', 'Ошибка при создании базы данных: ' . mysqli_error() . "\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
$check_installed = check_installed($_POST['dbprefix']); |
$connect = check_db_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass'], $_POST['dbname']); |
if (true === $connect && false === $check_installed) |
{ |
if (! @is_writeable(BASE_DIR . '/config/db.config.php')) |
{ |
$AVE_Template->assign('config_isnt_writeable', 1); |
$AVE_Template->display('error.tpl'); |
exit; |
} |
$fp = @fopen(BASE_DIR . '/config/db.config.php', 'w+'); |
@fwrite($fp, "<?php\n" |
. "\$config = array();\n" |
. "\$config['dbhost'] = \"" . stripslashes(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) . "\";\n" |
. "\$config['dbuser'] = \"" . stripslashes(trim($_POST['dbuser'])) . "\";\n" |
. "\$config['dbpass'] = \"" . stripslashes(trim($_POST['dbpass'])) . "\";\n" |
. "\$config['dbname'] = \"" . stripslashes(trim($_POST['dbname'])) . "\";\n" |
. "\$config['dbpref'] = \"" . stripslashes(trim($_POST['dbprefix'])) . "\";\n" |
. "\$config['dbport'] = null;\n" |
. "\$config['dbsock'] = null;\n" |
. "?>" |
); |
@fclose($fp); |
$filename = BASE_DIR . '/install/structure_base.sql'; |
$handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); |
$db_structure = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); |
fclose($handle); |
$db_structure = str_replace('%%PRFX%%', $_POST['dbprefix'], $db_structure); |
$mysql_connect = @mysqli_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass'], $_POST['dbname']); |
@mysqli_select_db($mysql_connect, $_POST['dbname']); |
$ar = explode('#inst#', $db_structure); |
foreach ($ar as $in) |
{ |
@mysqli_query($mysql_connect, "$in"); |
} |
$AVE_Template->display('step5.tpl'); |
exit; |
} |
elseif (true === $connect && true === $check_installed) |
{ |
$AVE_Template->assign('installed', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('database_installed')); |
} |
else |
{ |
$AVE_Template->assign('warning', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('database_not_connect')); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
$dbpref = make_random_string(5, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'); |
$AVE_Template->assign('dbpref', $dbpref); |
} |
$AVE_Template->display('step4.tpl'); |
break; |
case '5' : |
$_POST['email'] = chop($_POST['email']); |
$_POST['username'] = chop($_POST['username']); |
$regex_username = '/[^\w-]/'; |
$regex_password = '/[^\x20-\xFF]/'; |
$regex_email = '/^[\w.-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.(?:[a-z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)$/i'; |
$errors = array(); |
if ($_POST['email'] == '') array_push($errors, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('noemail')); |
if (! preg_match($regex_email, $_POST['email'])) array_push($errors, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('email_no_specialchars')); |
if (empty($_POST['pass']) || preg_match($regex_password, $_POST['pass'])) array_push($errors, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('check_pass')); |
if (strlen($_POST['pass']) < 5) array_push($errors, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('pass_too_small')); |
if (empty($_POST['username']) || preg_match($regex_username, $_POST['username'])) array_push($errors, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('check_username')); |
$AVE_Template->assign('errors', $errors); |
if (true === $db_connect && ! sizeof($errors)) |
{ |
if (isset($_POST['demo']) && 1 == $_POST['demo']) |
{ |
$filename = BASE_DIR . '/install/data_demo.sql'; |
} |
else |
{ |
$filename = BASE_DIR . '/install/data_base.sql'; |
} |
$mysql_connect = @mysqli_connect($config['dbhost'], $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass']); |
@mysqli_select_db($mysql_connect, $config['dbname']); |
$handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); |
$dbin = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); |
fclose($handle); |
$salt = make_random_string(); |
$hash = md5(md5($_POST['pass'] . $salt)); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%SITENAME%%', $ver, $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%PRFX%%', $config['dbpref'], $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%EMAIL%%', $_POST['email'], $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%SALT%%', $salt, $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%PASS%%', $hash, $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%TIME%%', time(), $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%FIRSTNAME%%', $_POST['firstname'], $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%LASTNAME%%', $_POST['lastname'], $dbin); |
$dbin = str_replace('%%USERNAME%%', $_POST['username'], $dbin); |
$ar = explode('#inst#', $dbin); |
foreach ($ar as $in) |
{ |
@mysqli_query($mysql_connect, "SET NAMES 'utf8'"); |
@mysqli_query($mysql_connect, "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8_general_ci'"); |
@mysqli_query($mysql_connect, $in); |
} |
/* |
$auth = base64_encode(serialize(array('id' => '1', 'hash'=>$hash))); |
@setcookie('auth', $auth); |
*/ |
$AVE_Template->display('step6.tpl'); |
exit; |
} |
$AVE_Template->display('step5.tpl'); |
break; |
} |