mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 16:53:36 +00:00
1264 lines
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1264 lines
34 KiB
// Implement similar functionality in PHP 5.2 or 5.3
// http://php.net/manual/class.recursivecallbackfilteriterator.php#110974
if (! class_exists('RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator', false)) {
class RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
public function __construct ( RecursiveIterator $iterator, $callback ) {
$this->callback = $callback;
public function accept () {
return call_user_func($this->callback, parent::current(), parent::key(), parent::getInnerIterator());
public function getChildren () {
return new self($this->getInnerIterator()->getChildren(), $this->callback);
* elFinder driver for local filesystem.
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
* @author Troex Nevelin
class elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem extends elFinderVolumeDriver {
* Driver id
* Must be started from letter and contains [a-z0-9]
* Used as part of volume id
* @var string
protected $driverId = 'l';
* Required to count total archive files size
* @var int
protected $archiveSize = 0;
* Constructor
* Extend options with required fields
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
public function __construct() {
$this->options['alias'] = ''; // alias to replace root dir name
$this->options['dirMode'] = 0755; // new dirs mode
$this->options['fileMode'] = 0644; // new files mode
$this->options['quarantine'] = '.quarantine'; // quarantine folder name - required to check archive (must be hidden)
$this->options['rootCssClass'] = 'elfinder-navbar-root-local';
$this->options['followSymLinks'] = true;
$this->options['detectDirIcon'] = ''; // file name that is detected as a folder icon e.g. '.diricon.png'
$this->options['keepTimestamp'] = array('copy', 'move'); // keep timestamp at inner filesystem allowed 'copy', 'move' and 'upload'
* Prepare driver before mount volume.
* Return true if volume is ready.
* @return bool
protected function init() {
// Normalize directory separator for windows
foreach(array('path', 'tmbPath', 'tmpPath', 'quarantine') as $key) {
if (!empty($this->options[$key])) {
$this->options[$key] = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->options[$key]);
if (!$cwd = getcwd()) {
return $this->setError('elFinder LocalVolumeDriver requires a result of getcwd().');
// detect systemRoot
if (!isset($this->options['systemRoot'])) {
if ($cwd[0] === $this->separator || $this->root[0] === $this->separator) {
$this->systemRoot = $this->separator;
} else if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z]:'.preg_quote($this->separator, '/').')/', $this->root, $m)) {
$this->systemRoot = $m[1];
} else if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z]:'.preg_quote($this->separator, '/').')/', $cwd, $m)) {
$this->systemRoot = $m[1];
$this->root = $this->getFullPath($this->root, $cwd);
if (!empty($this->options['startPath'])) {
$this->options['startPath'] = $this->getFullPath($this->options['startPath'], $this->root);
if (is_null($this->options['syncChkAsTs'])) {
$this->options['syncChkAsTs'] = true;
if (is_null($this->options['syncCheckFunc'])) {
$this->options['syncCheckFunc'] = array($this, 'localFileSystemInotify');
return true;
* Configure after successfull mount.
* @return void
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function configure() {
$root = $this->stat($this->root);
// chek thumbnails path
if ($this->options['tmbPath']) {
$this->options['tmbPath'] = strpos($this->options['tmbPath'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false
// tmb path set as dirname under root dir
? $this->_abspath($this->options['tmbPath'])
// tmb path as full path
: $this->_normpath($this->options['tmbPath']);
// set $this->tmp by options['tmpPath']
$this->tmp = '';
if (!empty($this->options['tmpPath'])) {
if ((is_dir($this->options['tmpPath']) || mkdir($this->options['tmpPath'], 0755, true)) && is_writable($this->options['tmpPath'])) {
$this->tmp = $this->options['tmpPath'];
if (!$this->tmp && ($tmp = elFinder::getStaticVar('commonTempPath'))) {
$this->tmp = $tmp;
// if no thumbnails url - try detect it
if ($root['read'] && !$this->tmbURL && $this->URL) {
if (strpos($this->tmbPath, $this->root) === 0) {
$this->tmbURL = $this->URL.str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($this->tmbPath, strlen($this->root)+1));
if (preg_match("|[^/?&=]$|", $this->tmbURL)) {
$this->tmbURL .= '/';
// check quarantine dir
$this->quarantine = '';
if (!empty($this->options['quarantine'])) {
if (is_dir($this->options['quarantine'])) {
if (is_writable($this->options['quarantine'])) {
$this->quarantine = $this->options['quarantine'];
$this->options['quarantine'] = '';
} else {
$this->quarantine = $this->_abspath($this->options['quarantine']);
if ((!is_dir($this->quarantine) && !mkdir($this->quarantine)) || !is_writable($this->quarantine)) {
$this->options['quarantine'] = $this->quarantine = '';
if (!$this->quarantine) {
if (!$this->tmp) {
$this->archivers['extract'] = array();
$this->disabled[] = 'extract';
} else {
$this->quarantine = $this->tmp;
if ($this->options['quarantine']) {
$this->attributes[] = array(
'pattern' => '~^'.preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->options['quarantine']).'$~',
'read' => false,
'write' => false,
'locked' => true,
'hidden' => true
if (! empty($this->options['keepTimestamp'])) {
$this->options['keepTimestamp'] = array_flip($this->options['keepTimestamp']);
* Long pooling sync checker
* This function require server command `inotifywait`
* If `inotifywait` need full path, Please add `define('ELFINER_INOTIFYWAIT_PATH', '/PATH_TO/inotifywait');` into connector.php
* @param string $path
* @param int $standby
* @param number $compare
* @return number|bool
public function localFileSystemInotify($path, $standby, $compare) {
if (isset($this->sessionCache['localFileSystemInotify_disable'])) {
return false;
$path = realpath($path);
$mtime = filemtime($path);
if (! $mtime) {
return false;
if ($mtime != $compare) {
return $mtime;
$inotifywait = defined('ELFINER_INOTIFYWAIT_PATH')? ELFINER_INOTIFYWAIT_PATH : 'inotifywait';
$standby = max(1, intval($standby));
$cmd = $inotifywait.' '.escapeshellarg($path).' -t '.$standby.' -e moved_to,moved_from,move,close_write,delete,delete_self';
$this->procExec($cmd , $o, $r);
if ($r === 0) {
// changed
if (file_exists($path)) {
$mtime = filemtime($path); // error on busy?
return $mtime? $mtime : time();
} else {
// target was removed
return 0;
} else if ($r === 2) {
// not changed (timeout)
return $compare;
// error
// cache to $_SESSION
$this->sessionCache['localFileSystemInotify_disable'] = true;
$this->session->set($this->id, $this->sessionCache, true);
return false;
/* FS API */
/*********************** paths/urls *************************/
* Return parent directory path
* @param string $path file path
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _dirname($path) {
return dirname($path);
* Return file name
* @param string $path file path
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _basename($path) {
return basename($path);
* Join dir name and file name and retur full path
* @param string $dir
* @param string $name
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _joinPath($dir, $name) {
* Return normalized path, this works the same as os.path.normpath() in Python
* @param string $path path
* @return string
* @author Troex Nevelin
protected function _normpath($path) {
if (empty($path)) {
return '.';
$changeSep = (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/');
if ($changeSep) {
$drive = '';
if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z]:)(.*)/', $path, $m)) {
$drive = $m[1];
$path = $m[2]? $m[2] : '/';
$path = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path);
if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
$initial_slashes = true;
} else {
$initial_slashes = false;
if (($initial_slashes)
&& (strpos($path, '//') === 0)
&& (strpos($path, '///') === false)) {
$initial_slashes = 2;
$initial_slashes = (int) $initial_slashes;
$comps = explode('/', $path);
$new_comps = array();
foreach ($comps as $comp) {
if (in_array($comp, array('', '.'))) {
if (($comp != '..')
|| (!$initial_slashes && !$new_comps)
|| ($new_comps && (end($new_comps) == '..'))) {
array_push($new_comps, $comp);
} elseif ($new_comps) {
$comps = $new_comps;
$path = implode('/', $comps);
if ($initial_slashes) {
$path = str_repeat('/', $initial_slashes) . $path;
if ($changeSep) {
$path = $drive . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
return $path ? $path : '.';
* Return file path related to root dir
* @param string $path file path
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _relpath($path) {
if ($path === $this->root) {
return '';
} else {
if (strpos($path, $this->root) === 0) {
return ltrim(substr($path, strlen($this->root)), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
} else {
// for link
return $path;
* Convert path related to root dir into real path
* @param string $path file path
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _abspath($path) {
if ($path === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
return $this->root;
} else {
if ($path[0] === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
// for link
return $path;
} else {
return $this->_joinPath($this->root, $path);
* Return fake path started from root dir
* @param string $path file path
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _path($path) {
return $this->rootName.($path == $this->root ? '' : $this->separator.$this->_relpath($path));
* Return true if $path is children of $parent
* @param string $path path to check
* @param string $parent parent path
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _inpath($path, $parent) {
$cwd = getcwd();
$real_path = $this->getFullPath($path, $cwd);
$real_parent = $this->getFullPath($parent, $cwd);
if ($real_path && $real_parent) {
return $real_path === $real_parent || strpos($real_path, rtrim($real_parent, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0;
return false;
/***************** file stat ********************/
* Return stat for given path.
* Stat contains following fields:
* - (int) size file size in b. required
* - (int) ts file modification time in unix time. required
* - (string) mime mimetype. required for folders, others - optionally
* - (bool) read read permissions. required
* - (bool) write write permissions. required
* - (bool) locked is object locked. optionally
* - (bool) hidden is object hidden. optionally
* - (string) alias for symlinks - link target path relative to root path. optionally
* - (string) target for symlinks - link target path. optionally
* If file does not exists - returns empty array or false.
* @param string $path file path
* @return array|false
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _stat($path) {
static $statOwner;
if (is_null($statOwner)) {
$statOwner = (!empty($this->options['statOwner']));
$stat = array();
if (!file_exists($path) && !is_link($path)) {
return $stat;
//Verifies the given path is the root or is inside the root. Prevents directory traveral.
if (!$this->_inpath($path, $this->root)) {
return $stat;
$gid = $uid = 0;
$stat['isowner'] = false;
$linkreadable = false;
if ($path != $this->root && is_link($path)) {
if (! $this->options['followSymLinks']) {
return array();
if (!($target = $this->readlink($path))
|| $target == $path) {
if (is_null($target)) {
$stat = array();
return $stat;
} else {
$stat['mime'] = 'symlink-broken';
$target = readlink($path);
$lstat = lstat($path);
$ostat = $this->getOwnerStat($lstat['uid'], $lstat['gid']);
$linkreadable = !empty($ostat['isowner']);
$stat['alias'] = $this->_path($target);
$stat['target'] = $target;
$size = sprintf('%u', filesize($path));
$stat['ts'] = filemtime($path);
if ($statOwner) {
$fstat = stat($path);
$uid = $fstat['uid'];
$gid = $fstat['gid'];
$stat['perm'] = substr((string)decoct($fstat['mode']), -4);
$stat = array_merge($stat, $this->getOwnerStat($uid, $gid));
if (($dir = is_dir($path)) && $this->options['detectDirIcon']) {
$favicon = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->options['detectDirIcon'];
if ($this->URL && file_exists($favicon)) {
$stat['icon'] = $this->URL . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($favicon, strlen($this->root) + 1));
if (!isset($stat['mime'])) {
$stat['mime'] = $dir ? 'directory' : $this->mimetype($path);
//logical rights first
$stat['read'] = ($linkreadable || is_readable($path))? null : false;
$stat['write'] = is_writable($path)? null : false;
if (is_null($stat['read'])) {
$stat['size'] = $dir ? 0 : $size;
return $stat;
* Get stat `owner`, `group` and `isowner` by `uid` and `gid`
* Sub-fuction of _stat() and _scandir()
* @param integer $uid
* @param integer $gid
* @return array stat
protected function getOwnerStat($uid, $gid) {
static $names = null;
static $phpuid = null;
if (is_null($names)) {
$names = array('uid' => array(), 'gid' =>array());
if (is_null($phpuid)) {
if (is_callable('posix_getuid')) {
$phpuid = posix_getuid();
} else {
$phpuid = 0;
$stat = array();
if ($uid) {
$stat['isowner'] = ($phpuid == $uid);
if (isset($names['uid'][$uid])) {
$stat['owner'] = $names['uid'][$uid];
} else if (is_callable('posix_getpwuid')) {
$pwuid = posix_getpwuid($uid);
$stat['owner'] = $names['uid'][$uid] = $pwuid['name'];
} else {
$stat['owner'] = $names['uid'][$uid] = $uid;
if ($gid) {
if (isset($names['gid'][$gid])) {
$stat['group'] = $names['gid'][$gid];
} else if (is_callable('posix_getgrgid')) {
$grgid = posix_getgrgid($gid);
$stat['group'] = $names['gid'][$gid] = $grgid['name'];
} else {
$stat['group'] = $names['gid'][$gid] = $gid;
return $stat;
* Return true if path is dir and has at least one childs directory
* @param string $path dir path
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _subdirs($path) {
$dirs = false;
if (is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) {
if (class_exists('FilesystemIterator', false)) {
$dirItr = new ParentIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path,
FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS |
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS : 0)
if ($dirItr->hasChildren()) {
$dirs = true;
$name = $dirItr->getSubPathName();
while($dirItr->valid()) {
if (!$this->attr($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name, 'read', null, true)) {
$dirs = false;
$name = $dirItr->getSubPathName();
$dirs = true;
} else {
$path = strtr($path, array('[' => '\\[', ']' => '\\]', '*' => '\\*', '?' => '\\?'));
return (bool)glob(rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
return $dirs;
* Return object width and height
* Usualy used for images, but can be realize for video etc...
* @param string $path file path
* @param string $mime file mime type
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _dimensions($path, $mime) {
return strpos($mime, 'image') === 0 && is_readable($path) && ($s = getimagesize($path)) !== false
? $s[0].'x'.$s[1]
: false;
/******************** file/dir content *********************/
* Return symlink target file
* @param string $path link path
* @return string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function readlink($path) {
if (!($target = readlink($path))) {
return null;
if (strpos($target, $this->systemRoot) !== 0) {
$target = $this->_joinPath(dirname($path), $target);
if (!file_exists($target)) {
return false;
return $target;
* Return files list in directory.
* @param string $path dir path
* @return array
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _scandir($path) {
$files = array();
$cache = array();
$dirWritable = is_writable($path);
$statOwner = (!empty($this->options['statOwner']));
$dirItr = array();
$followSymLinks = $this->options['followSymLinks'];
try {
$dirItr = new DirectoryIterator($path);
} catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {}
foreach ($dirItr as $file) {
try {
if ($file->isDot()) { continue; }
$files[] = $fpath = $file->getPathname();
$br = false;
$stat = array();
$gid = $uid = 0;
$stat['isowner'] = false;
$linkreadable = false;
if ($file->isLink()) {
if (! $followSymLinks) { continue; }
if (!($target = $this->readlink($fpath))
|| $target == $fpath) {
if (is_null($target)) {
$stat = array();
$br = true;
} else {
$_path = $fpath;
$stat['mime'] = 'symlink-broken';
$target = readlink($_path);
$lstat = lstat($_path);
$ostat = $this->getOwnerStat($lstat['uid'], $lstat['gid']);
$linkreadable = !empty($ostat['isowner']);
$dir = false;
$stat['alias'] = $this->_path($target);
$stat['target'] = $target;
} else {
$dir = is_dir($target);
$stat['alias'] = $this->_path($target);
$stat['target'] = $target;
$stat['mime'] = $dir ? 'directory' : $this->mimetype($stat['alias']);
} else {
if (($dir = $file->isDir()) && $this->options['detectDirIcon']) {
$path = $file->getPathname();
$favicon = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->options['detectDirIcon'];
if ($this->URL && file_exists($favicon)) {
$stat['icon'] = $this->URL . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($favicon, strlen($this->root) + 1));
$stat['mime'] = $dir ? 'directory' : $this->mimetype($fpath);
$size = sprintf('%u', $file->getSize());
$stat['ts'] = $file->getMTime();
if (!$br) {
if ($statOwner && !$linkreadable) {
$uid = $file->getOwner();
$gid = $file->getGroup();
$stat['perm'] = substr((string)decoct($file->getPerms()), -4);
$stat = array_merge($stat, $this->getOwnerStat($uid, $gid));
//logical rights first
$stat['read'] = ($linkreadable || $file->isReadable())? null : false;
$stat['write'] = $file->isWritable()? null : false;
$stat['locked'] = $dirWritable? null : true;
if (is_null($stat['read'])) {
$stat['size'] = $dir ? 0 : $size;
$cache[] = array($fpath, $stat);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
if ($cache) {
$cache = $this->convEncOut($cache, false);
foreach($cache as $d) {
$this->updateCache($d[0], $d[1]);
return $files;
* Open file and return file pointer
* @param string $path file path
* @param string $mode
* @return false|resource
* @internal param bool $write open file for writing
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _fopen($path, $mode='rb') {
return fopen($path, $mode);
* Close opened file
* @param resource $fp file pointer
* @param string $path
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _fclose($fp, $path='') {
return (is_resource($fp) && fclose($fp));
/******************** file/dir manipulations *************************/
* Create dir and return created dir path or false on failed
* @param string $path parent dir path
* @param string $name new directory name
* @return string|bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _mkdir($path, $name) {
$path = $this->_joinPath($path, $name);
if (mkdir($path)) {
chmod($path, $this->options['dirMode']);
return $path;
return false;
* Create file and return it's path or false on failed
* @param string $path parent dir path
* @param string $name new file name
* @return string|bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _mkfile($path, $name) {
$path = $this->_joinPath($path, $name);
if (($fp = fopen($path, 'w'))) {
chmod($path, $this->options['fileMode']);
return $path;
return false;
* Create symlink
* @param string $source file to link to
* @param string $targetDir folder to create link in
* @param string $name symlink name
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _symlink($source, $targetDir, $name) {
return symlink($source, $this->_joinPath($targetDir, $name));
* Copy file into another file
* @param string $source source file path
* @param string $targetDir target directory path
* @param string $name new file name
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _copy($source, $targetDir, $name) {
$mtime = filemtime($source);
$target = $this->_joinPath($targetDir, $name);
if ($ret = copy($source, $target)) {
isset($this->options['keepTimestamp']['copy']) && $mtime && touch($target, $mtime);
return $ret;
* Move file into another parent dir.
* Return new file path or false.
* @param string $source source file path
* @param $targetDir
* @param string $name file name
* @return bool|string
* @internal param string $target target dir path
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _move($source, $targetDir, $name) {
$mtime = filemtime($source);
$target = $this->_joinPath($targetDir, $name);
if ($ret = rename($source, $target) ? $target : false) {
isset($this->options['keepTimestamp']['move']) && $mtime && touch($target, $mtime);
return $ret;
* Remove file
* @param string $path file path
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _unlink($path) {
$ret = unlink($path);
$ret && clearstatcache();
return $ret;
* Remove dir
* @param string $path dir path
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _rmdir($path) {
$ret = rmdir($path);
$ret && clearstatcache();
return $ret;
* Create new file and write into it from file pointer.
* Return new file path or false on error.
* @param resource $fp file pointer
* @param string $dir target dir path
* @param string $name file name
* @param array $stat file stat (required by some virtual fs)
* @return bool|string
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _save($fp, $dir, $name, $stat) {
$path = $this->_joinPath($dir, $name);
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
$uri = isset($meta['uri'])? $meta['uri'] : '';
if ($uri && ! preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9]+://#', $uri)) {
$mtime = filemtime($uri);
$isCmdPaste = ($this->ARGS['cmd'] === 'paste');
$isCmdCopy = ($isCmdPaste && empty($this->ARGS['cut']));
if (($isCmdCopy || !rename($uri, $path)) && !copy($uri, $path)) {
return false;
// keep timestamp on upload
if ($mtime && $this->ARGS['cmd'] === 'upload') {
touch($path, isset($this->options['keepTimestamp']['upload'])? $mtime : time());
// re-create the source file for remove processing of paste command
$isCmdPaste && !$isCmdCopy && touch($uri);
} else {
if (file_put_contents($path, $fp, LOCK_EX) === false) {
return false;
if (is_link($path)) {
return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_SAVE, $name);
chmod($path, $this->options['fileMode']);
return $path;
* Get file contents
* @param string $path file path
* @return string|false
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _getContents($path) {
return file_get_contents($path);
* Write a string to a file
* @param string $path file path
* @param string $content new file content
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _filePutContents($path, $content) {
if (file_put_contents($path, $content, LOCK_EX) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
* Detect available archivers
* @return void
protected function _checkArchivers() {
$this->archivers = $this->getArchivers();
* chmod availability
* @param string $path
* @param string $mode
* @return bool
protected function _chmod($path, $mode) {
$modeOct = is_string($mode) ? octdec($mode) : octdec(sprintf("%04o",$mode));
$ret = chmod($path, $modeOct);
$ret && clearstatcache();
return $ret;
* Recursive symlinks search
* @param string $path file/dir path
* @return bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected function _findSymlinks($path) {
return self::localFindSymlinks($path);
* Extract files from archive
* @param string $path archive path
* @param array $arc archiver command and arguments (same as in $this->archivers)
* @return true
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov,
* @author Alexey Sukhotin
protected function _extract($path, $arc) {
if ($this->quarantine) {
$dir = $this->quarantine.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.md5(basename($path).mt_rand());
$archive = (isset($arc['toSpec']) || $arc['cmd'] === 'phpfunction')? '' : $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($path);
if (!mkdir($dir)) {
return false;
// insurance unexpected shutdown
register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'rmdirRecursive'), realpath($dir));
chmod($dir, 0777);
// copy in quarantine
if (!is_readable($path) || ($archive && !copy($path, $archive))) {
return false;
// extract in quarantine
$this->unpackArchive($path, $arc, $archive? true : $dir);
// get files list
$ls = self::localScandir($dir);
// no files - extract error ?
if (empty($ls)) {
return false;
$this->archiveSize = 0;
// find symlinks and check extracted items
$checkRes = $this->checkExtractItems($dir);
if ($checkRes['symlinks']) {
return $this->setError(array_merge($this->error, array(elFinder::ERROR_ARC_SYMLINKS)));
$this->archiveSize = $checkRes['totalSize'];
if ($checkRes['rmNames']) {
foreach($checkRes['rmNames'] as $name) {
$this->addError(elFinder::ERROR_SAVE, $name);
// check max files size
if ($this->options['maxArcFilesSize'] > 0 && $this->options['maxArcFilesSize'] < $this->archiveSize) {
return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_ARC_MAXSIZE);
$extractTo = $this->extractToNewdir; // 'auto', ture or false
// archive contains one item - extract in archive dir
$name = '';
$src = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$ls[0];
if (($extractTo === 'auto' || !$extractTo) && count($ls) === 1 && is_file($src)) {
$name = $ls[0];
} else if ($extractTo === 'auto' || $extractTo) {
// for several files - create new directory
// create unique name for directory
$src = $dir;
$name = basename($path);
if (preg_match('/\.((tar\.(gz|bz|bz2|z|lzo))|cpio\.gz|ps\.gz|xcf\.(gz|bz2)|[a-z0-9]{1,4})$/i', $name, $m)) {
$name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name)-strlen($m[0]));
$test = dirname($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name;
if (file_exists($test) || is_link($test)) {
$name = $this->uniqueName(dirname($path), $name, '-', false);
if ($name !== '') {
$result = dirname($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name;
if (! rename($src, $result)) {
return false;
} else {
$dstDir = dirname($path);
$result = array();
foreach($ls as $name) {
$target = $dstDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name;
if (self::localMoveRecursive($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name, $target, true, $this->options['copyJoin'])) {
$result[] = $target;
if (!$result) {
return false;
is_dir($dir) && $this->delTree($dir);
return (is_array($result) || file_exists($result)) ? $result : false;
//TODO: Add return statement here
* Create archive and return its path
* @param string $dir target dir
* @param array $files files names list
* @param string $name archive name
* @param array $arc archiver options
* @return string|bool
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov,
* @author Alexey Sukhotin
protected function _archive($dir, $files, $name, $arc) {
return $this->makeArchive($dir, $files, $name, $arc);
/******************** Over write functions *************************/
* File path of local server side work file path
* @param string $path
* @return string
* @author Naoki Sawada
protected function getWorkFile($path) {
return $path;
* Delete dirctory trees
* @param string $localpath path need convert encoding to server encoding
* @return boolean
* @author Naoki Sawada
protected function delTree($localpath) {
return $this->rmdirRecursive($localpath);
/******************** Over write (Optimized) functions *************************/
* Recursive files search
* @param string $path dir path
* @param string $q search string
* @param array $mimes
* @return array
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
* @author Naoki Sawada
protected function doSearch($path, $q, $mimes) {
if ($this->encoding || ! class_exists('FilesystemIterator', false)) {
// non UTF-8 use elFinderVolumeDriver::doSearch()
return parent::doSearch($path, $q, $mimes);
$result = array();
$timeout = $this->options['searchTimeout']? $this->searchStart + $this->options['searchTimeout'] : 0;
if ($timeout && $timeout < time()) {
$this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, $this->path($this->encode($path)));
return $result;
elFinder::extendTimeLimit($this->options['searchTimeout'] + 30);
$match = array();
try {
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path,
FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME |
FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS |
((defined('RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS') && $this->options['followSymLinks'])?
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS : 0)
array($this, 'localFileSystemSearchIteratorFilter')
foreach ($iterator as $key => $node) {
if ($timeout && ($this->error || $timeout < time())) {
!$this->error && $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, $this->path($this->encode($node->getPath)));
if ($node->isDir()) {
if ($this->stripos($node->getFilename(), $q) !== false) {
$match[] = $key;
} else {
$match[] = $key;
} catch (Exception $e) {}
if ($match) {
foreach($match as $p) {
if ($timeout && ($this->error || $timeout < time())) {
!$this->error && $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, $this->path($this->encode(dirname($p))));
$stat = $this->stat($p);
if (!$stat) { // invalid links
if (!empty($stat['hidden']) || !$this->mimeAccepted($stat['mime'], $mimes)) {
$name = $stat['name'];
if ((!$mimes || $stat['mime'] !== 'directory')) {
$stat['path'] = $this->path($stat['hash']);
if ($this->URL && !isset($stat['url'])) {
$_path = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($p, strlen($this->root) + 1));
$stat['url'] = $this->URL . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($_path));
$result[] = $stat;
return $result;
/******************** Original local functions ************************
* @param $file
* @param $key
* @param $iterator
* @return bool
public function localFileSystemSearchIteratorFilter($file, $key, $iterator) {
$name = $file->getFilename();
if ($this->doSearchCurrentQuery['excludes']) {
foreach($this->doSearchCurrentQuery['excludes'] as $exclude) {
if ($this->stripos($name, $exclude) !== false) {
return false;
if ($iterator->hasChildren()) {
if ($this->options['searchExDirReg'] && preg_match($this->options['searchExDirReg'], $key)) {
return false;
return (bool)$this->attr($key, 'read', null, true);
return ($this->stripos($name, $this->doSearchCurrentQuery['q']) === false)? false : true;
} // END class