Query(" SELECT b.basket_product_id AS id, f.field_value AS name, d.field_value AS article, e.field_value AS size, b.basket_product_quantity AS quantity, b.basket_product_amount AS amount FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket AS b LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_document_fields AS f ON f.Id = b.basket_product_name_id LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_document_fields AS d ON d.Id = b.basket_product_article_id LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_document_fields AS e ON e.Id = b.basket_product_size_id WHERE b.basket_session_id = '" . session_id() . "' ORDER BY b.id ASC "); $total = 0; $total_send = 0; $products = array(); while($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $total += $row->amount; $total_send += $row->amount; $quantity += $row->quantity; $row->price = $row->amount / $row->quantity; array_push($products, $row); } $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket_delivery WHERE delivery_activ = '1' ORDER BY delivery_position ASC "); $delivery = array(); while($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { array_push($delivery, $row); } $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket_payment WHERE payment_activ = '1' ORDER BY payment_position ASC "); $payment = array(); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $payment_delivery = explode(',', $row->payment_delivery); if (in_array($_SESSION['delivery_id'], $payment_delivery)) array_push($payment, $row); } if (isset($_SESSION['delivery_id'])) { $row = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT delivery_price, delivery_price_operands FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket_delivery WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['delivery_id']." AND delivery_activ = '1' LIMIT 1 ") ->FetchRow(); if ($row->delivery_price_operands == "Money"){ $total = $total + $row->delivery_price; }else if ($row->delivery_price_operands == "%"){ $total = ($row->deliveryt_price_operands == '%') ? $total+$total/100*$row->delivery_price : $total - $row->delivery_price; } $total = $total + $delivery_price; if (isset($_SESSION['payment_id'])){ $row = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT payment_price, payment_price_operands FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket_payment WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['payment_id']." AND payment_activ = '1' LIMIT 1 ") ->FetchRow(); if ($row->payment_price_operands == "Money"){ $total = $total + $row->payment_price; }else if ($row->payment_price_operands == "%"){ $total = ($row->payment_price_operands == '%') ? $total+$total/100*$row->payment_price : $total - $row->payment_price; } } } return array('products' => $products, 'total' => $total, 'delivery' => $delivery, 'payment' => $payment, 'total_cart' => $total_cart, 'total_send' => $total_send, 'quantity' => $quantity); } /** * Добавить товар в корзину * * @param int $product_id идентификатор товара * (идентификатор документа с атрибутами товара) * @param int $name_id идентификатор наименования товара * (идентификатор поля рубрики для наименования) * @param int $price_id идентификатор цены товара * (идентификатор поля рубрики для цены) * @param int $article_id идентификатор артикула товара * (идентификатор поля рубрики для артикула) * @param int $size_id идентификатор размера товара * (идентификатор поля рубрики для размера) * @param int $quantity количество добавляемых в корзину товаров */ function basketProductAdd($product_id = 0, $name_id = 0, $price_id = 0, $article_id = 0, $size_id = 0, $quantity = 1) { global $AVE_DB; $product_id = (int)$product_id; $name_id = (int)$name_id; $price_id = (int)$price_id; $article_id = (int)$article_id; $size_id = (int)$size_id; $quantity = (int)$quantity; if ($product_id === 0 || $name_id === 0 || $price_id === 0 || $article_id === 0 || $size_id === 0 || $quantity === 0) return; $session_id = session_id(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT Id, rubric_field_id, field_value FROM " . PREFIX . "_document_fields WHERE document_id = '" . $product_id . "' AND (rubric_field_id = '" . $name_id . "' OR rubric_field_id = '" . $price_id . "' OR rubric_field_id = '" . $article_id . "' OR rubric_field_id = '" . $size_id . "') "); $product = array(); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $product[$row->rubric_field_id] = array('id' => $row->Id, 'val' => $row->field_value); } if (!empty($product)) { $exists = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT 1 FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket WHERE basket_product_id = '" . $product_id . "' AND basket_session_id = '" . $session_id . "' ")->GetCell(); if ($exists) { $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_basket SET basket_product_quantity = basket_product_quantity + " . $quantity . ", basket_product_amount = basket_product_amount + " . $quantity * $product[$price_id]['val'] . " WHERE basket_product_id = '" . $product_id . "' AND basket_session_id = '" . $session_id . "' "); } else { $AVE_DB->Query(" INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_module_basket SET basket_session_id = '" . $session_id . "', basket_product_id = '" . $product_id . "', basket_product_name_id = '" . $product[$name_id]['id'] . "', basket_product_price_id = '" . $product[$price_id]['id'] . "', basket_product_article_id = '" . $product[$article_id]['id'] . "', basket_product_size_id = '" . $product[$size_id]['id'] . "', basket_product_quantity = '" . $quantity . "', basket_product_amount = '" . $quantity * $product[$price_id]['val'] . "' "); } } } /** * Удалить товар из корзины * * @param int $product_id */ function basketProductDelete($product_id) { global $AVE_DB; $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket WHERE basket_product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "' AND basket_session_id = '" . session_id() . "' "); } /** * Пересчет корзины * * @param array $quantity * @param array $delete */ function basketOrderUpdate($quantity = array(), $delete = array(), $delivery_id, $payment_id) { global $AVE_DB; unset ($_SESSION['delivery_id']); unset ($_SESSION['payment_id']); if (!(isset($delete) && is_array($delete))) $delete = array(); $session_id = session_id(); if (isset($delivery_id) && !isset($payment_id)){ $_SESSION['delivery_id'] = $delivery_id; }else if (isset($delivery_id) && isset($payment_id)){ $_SESSION['delivery_id'] = $delivery_id; $_SESSION['payment_id'] = $payment_id; } // Изменяем в корзине количества товаров if (isset($quantity) && is_array($quantity)) { foreach ($quantity as $product_id => $product_quantity) { $product_id = (int)$product_id; if (!is_numeric($product_quantity)) continue; $product_quantity = (int)$product_quantity; // если количество равно 0 - удаляем товар из корзины if ($product_quantity === 0) $delete[$product_id] = 1; if (isset($delete[$product_id])) continue; $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_basket SET basket_product_amount = basket_product_amount / basket_product_quantity * " . $product_quantity . ", basket_product_quantity = '" . $product_quantity . "' WHERE basket_product_id = '" . $product_id . "' AND basket_session_id = '" . $session_id . "' "); } } // Удаляем помеченные товары foreach ($delete as $product_id => $val) { $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket WHERE basket_product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "' AND basket_session_id = '" . $session_id . "' "); } } /** * Отправка заказа * */ function basketOrderSend() { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $customer = array(); $customer['name'] = isset($_REQUEST['name']) ? trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['name'])) : ''; if ($customer['name'] !== '') $customer['name'] = preg_replace('/[^\x20-\xFF]|[><]/', '', $customer['name']); $customer['email'] = isset($_REQUEST['email']) ? trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['email'])) : ''; if ($customer['email'] !== '') { $regex_email = '/^[\w.-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.(?:[a-z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)$/i'; if (!preg_match($regex_email, $customer['email'])) $customer['email'] = ''; } $customer['phone'] = isset($_REQUEST['phone']) ? trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['phone'])) : ''; if ($customer['phone'] !== '') $customer['phone'] = preg_replace('/[^\x20-\xFF]|[><]/', '', $customer['phone']); $customer['address'] = isset($_REQUEST['address']) ? trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['address'])) : ''; if ($customer['address'] !== '') $customer['address'] = preg_replace('/[^\x20-\xFF]|[><]/', '', $customer['address']); $customer['description'] = isset($_REQUEST['description']) ? trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['description'])) : ''; if ($customer['description'] !== '') $customer['description'] = preg_replace('/[^\x20-\xFF]|[><]/', '', $customer['description']); $delivery_method = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT delivery_price, delivery_title, delivery_price_operands FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket_delivery WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['delivery_id']." AND delivery_activ = '1' LIMIT 1 ")->FetchRow(); $delivery_method_titel = $delivery_method->delivery_title; $delivery_method_price = $delivery_method->delivery_price; $delivery_method_operands = $delivery_method->delivery_price_operands; $AVE_Template->assign('delivery_method_titel', $delivery_method_titel); $AVE_Template->assign('delivery_method_price', $delivery_method_price); $AVE_Template->assign('delivery_method_operands', $delivery_method_operands); $payment_method = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT payment_price, payment_title, payment_price_operands FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket_payment WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['payment_id']." AND payment_activ = '1' LIMIT 1 ")->FetchRow(); $payment_method_titel = $payment_method->payment_title; $payment_method_price = $payment_method->payment_price; $payment_method_operands = $payment_method->payment_price_operands; $AVE_Template->assign('payment_method_titel', $payment_method_titel); $AVE_Template->assign('payment_method_price', $payment_method_price); $AVE_Template->assign('payment_method_operands', $payment_method_operands); // Передаем в шаблон информацию о заказчике $AVE_Template->assign('customer', $customer); // Формируем тело письма $mail_body = $AVE_Template->fetch(BASE_DIR . '/modules/basket/templates/mail_text.tpl'); // Если заказчик указал E-mail - отправляем письмо заказчику if ($customer['email']) { send_mail( $customer['email'], $mail_body, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('BASKET_SHOP_NAME') . ' ' . $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('BASKET_ORDER_TITLE'), get_settings('mail_from'), $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('BASKET_SHOP_NAME'), 'html' ); } // Письмо администратору send_mail( get_settings('mail_from'), $mail_body, $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('BASKET_SHOP_NAME') . ' ' . $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('BASKET_ORDER_TITLE'), get_settings('mail_from'), $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('BASKET_SHOP_NAME'), 'html' ); // Удаляем заказ из корзины $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_basket WHERE basket_session_id = '" . session_id() . "' "); } } ?>