Модуль Корзина v1.26.1
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

86 lines
2.4 KiB

$().ready(function() {
//Функция замирания экрана
function block_page(){
message: '<img src="'+avemediapath+'/images/loader-12.gif" alt="" />',
css: {
top: ($(window).height() - 30) /2 + 'px',
left: ($(window).width() - 30) /2 + 'px',
width: '30px',
border: 'none',
padding: '15px',
backgroundColor: '#000',
'-webkit-border-radius': '10px',
'-moz-border-radius': '10px',
'border-radius': '10px',
opacity: .5,
color: '#fff'
//Удалить из корзины
$("#basket li img").live('click', function(){
//$("#basket .ajax-loader").show();
var pid = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
{module: "basket", action: "delete", id: pid[1]},
function(response) {
setTimeout($.unblockUI, 100);
return false;
//Добавить в корзину - only link
$('a.addCart').live('click', function(){
var data = $(this).attr('id').split('-');
{module: "basket", action: "add", p_id: data[0], p_name: data[1], p_price: data[2], p_article: data[3], p_size: data[4], quantity: "1"},
function(response) {
setTimeout($.unblockUI, 100);
return false;
//Добавить в корзину
$(".product").submit(function(e) {
type: "post",
resetForm: true,
beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm) {
$("#basket .ajax-loader").show();
var productImage = jqForm.find(".product-image");
var imagePosition = productImage.offset();
var basketPosition = $("#basket").offset();
productImage.before('<img src="' + productImage.attr("src")
+ '" class="fly-image" style="position: absolute; top: '
+ imagePosition.top + 'px; left: '
+ imagePosition.left + 'px;" />');
top: basketPosition.top + 'px',
left: basketPosition.left + 'px',
opacity: 0,
width: $("#basket").width(),
heigth: $("#basket").height()},
success: function(response) {
return false;