Модуль Авторизация v2.26.1
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LOGIN_NEW_REGISTER = "Registration"
LOGIN_PASSWORD_REMIND = "Forgot your password?"
LOGIN_PLEASE_LOGON = "Please log in to access advanced features."
LOGIN_REGISTER_INFO = "Registration on the site will allow you to access the sections, which are allowed only for registered users. This procedure will not take you much time."
LOGIN_REMINDER_INFO = "If you have forgotten your password, enter your E-mail address that was specified by you at registration and in the shortest time, we will send a new password."
LOGIN_SAVE_INFO = "Check the box if you want the system to automatically log on under your login information."
LOGIN_LOGIN_PANEL = "login panel"
LOGIN_AUTORIZATION = "Authorization"
LOGIN_ADMIN_LINK = "Control Panel"
LOGIN_CHANGE_DETAILS = "Profile Settings"
LOGIN_NEW_POST = "Write Post"
LOGIN_MY_POSTS = "My posts"
LOGIN_CHANGE_LINK = "Change Password"
LOGIN_DELETE_LINK = "Delete Account"
LOGIN_WYSIWYG_OFF = "Turn off the Editor"
LOGIN_WYSIWYG_ON = "Auto Editor"
LOGIN_NEW_REGISTER = "Registration"
LOGIN_PASSWORD = "password"
LOGIN_PASSWORD_REMIND = "Forgot your password?"
LOGIN_PLEASE_LOGON = "Please log in using your E-Mail and Password"
LOGIN_REGISTER_INFO = "Registration on the site will allow you to access the sections, which are allowed only for registered users. This procedure will not take you much time."
LOGIN_REMINDER_INFO = "If you have forgotten your password, enter your E-mail address that was specified by you at registration and in the shortest time, we will send a new password."
LOGIN_SAVE_INFO = "Check the box if you want the system to automatically log on under your login information."
LOGIN_TEXT_FALSE_INFO = "You have entered invalid data in the authorization. Please try again."
LOGIN_TEXT_TRUE_INFO = "Thank you. You have successfully passed the authorization."
LOGIN_AUTORIZATION = "Authorization"
LOGIN_CODE_FROM_MAIL = "Activation Code"
LOGIN_DOMAIN_FALSE = "The specified E-mail-domain is locked for the record."
LOGIN_EMAIL_FALSE = "The specified E-mail address is blocked for the record."
LOGIN_MAIL_CONFIRM = "Repeat E-mail:"
LOGIN_MESSAGE_1 = "Hello% NAME%,% N% Your account has been created successfully.% N%% N% You can pre-authorize online% HOST%, with the following data:% N%% N% Username:% NAME%% N% Password:% KENNWORT%% N% "
LOGIN_MESSAGE_2 = "Hello% NAME%.% N% Congratulations on your successful registration.% N%% N% You can pre-authorize online% HOST%, with the following data:% N%% N% Username:% NAME%% N % Password:% KENNWORT%% N% "
LOGIN_MESSAGE_3 = "% N% Note: Before you perform authorization, you will need to confirm your registration and your E-mail-address. Please click on the link below:% N%% REGLINK%% N% code to activate your account by hand:% CODE% "
LOGIN_MESSAGE_4 = "% N% Please note: Your account will only be available after the testing and activation of the Administration site. Once activated, you will be notified by E-mail address.% N%% N%% HOST%"
LOGIN_MESSAGE_5 = "Hello.% N% The site registered a new user with the following login information.% N%% N% Name:% NAME%% N% E-mail:% EMAIL%"
LOGIN_MESSAGE_7 = "Please note: Your account will only be available after the testing and activation of the Administration site. Once activated, you will be notified by E-mail address."
LOGIN_MESSAGE_OK = "Registration Complete! Now the system will try to implement automatic login. If the input is not implemented, you can manually enter your username and password."
LOGIN_MESSAGE_TEXT = "The registration process is almost complete. To activate your account, please enter the activation code that was sent to you E-mail message."
LOGIN_NOT_ACTIVE = "At the moment, user registration is temporarily disabled."
LOGIN_PASSWORD = "password"
LOGIN_REGISTER_OK = "Registration completed successfully"
LOGIN_SECURITY_CODE = "Security code"
LOGIN_SECURITY_CODER = "Please enter the code"
LOGIN_SUBJECT_ADMIN = "New Registration"
LOGIN_SUBJECT_USER = "Registration Data"
LOGIN_TEXT_REGISTER = "New Registration"
LOGIN_THANKYOU_TEXT = "Thank you for registering! In Your E-mail sent a message containing information about how to activate your account."
LOGIN_WROND_E_SCODE = "Security code field is not filled."
LOGIN_WROND_SCODE = "The specified security code is incorrect."
LOGIN_WRONG_EMAIL = "E-mail field is specified in an incorrect format."
LOGIN_WRONG_EM_EMPTY = "E-mail field blank."
LOGIN_WRONG_ER_EMPTY = "Field E-mail (confirmation) is not filled."
LOGIN_WRONG_FN_EMPTY = "The Name field is not filled."
LOGIN_WRONG_FIRSTNAME = "The Name field contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_WRONG_INUSE = "The specified E-mail address is already registered."
LOGIN_WRONG_LN_EMPTY = "Last Name field is not filled."
LOGIN_WRONG_LASTNAME = "Field Name contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_WRONG_L_EMPTY = "Username field is blank."
LOGIN_WRONG_LOGIN = "The field Username contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_WRONG_L_INUSE = "The specified login is already in use."
LOGIN_WRONG_PASS = "Password field is not filled."
LOGIN_WRONG_RETRY = "These E-mail addresses do not match."
LOGIN_WRONG_SHORT_PASS = "Password length at least 5 characters long."
LOGIN_WRONG_SYM_PASS = "The password contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_YOUR_COMPANY = "Organization"
LOGIN_TEXT_AUTHORIZATION = "Information for authorization"
LOGIN_TEXT_USER_INFO = "Personal Information"
LOGIN_BUTTON_NEWPASS = "Send password"
LOGIN_ENTER_EMAIL = "Please enter your E-mail."
LOGIN_MESSAGE_6 = "Hello% NAME%.% N% You have requested the change your password online% HOST%.% N%% N% Your new password:% PASS%% N%% N% Please click on the link below to confirm the change password:% N%% LINK%% N%% N% If you did not request a password change, and the message is the message got to you in error, delete it. "
LOGIN_PASSWORD_RESTOR = "Your password was successfully changed."
LOGIN_REMIND = "password recovery"
LOGIN_REMINDER_INFO2 = "Please enter E-mail address that you used during registration. To the specified E-mail will be sent a new password."
LOGIN_REMINDER_INFO4 = "Please enter E-mail address"
LOGIN_REMINDER_INFO3 = "new password is sent to the E-mail address."
LOGIN_SUBJECT_REMINDER = "Your new password"
LOGIN_EMPTY_NEW_PASS = "You did not enter a new password"
LOGIN_EMPTY_NEW_PASS_C = "You did not specify a value for confirming the new password"
LOGIN_EMPTY_OLD_PASS = "You did not enter the current password"
LOGIN_FOUND_ERROR = "In the process of changing passwords have the following error:"
LOGIN_NEW_PASSC = "Error: You did not enter a confirmation password value."
LOGIN_NEW_PASSWORD_C = "Confirm Password"
LOGIN_NEW_PASS_EMPTY = "Error: You did not enter a new password."
LOGIN_OLD_PASSWORD = "Current password"
LOGIN_OLD_PASS_EMPTY = "Error: You did not enter the current password. Please correct the input."
LOGIN_PASSWORDS_NOEQU = "The passwords do not match. Please check the box."
LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGE = "Changing the current password"
LOGIN_PASSWORD_INFO = "Please enter the new password you want to use. Password must be at least 5 characters long."
LOGIN_PASSWORD_OK = "Password changed successfully!"
LOGIN_WRONG_EQU_PASS = "The value of the new password and confirmation do not match"
LOGIN_WRONG_OLD_PASS = "Current password is incorrect."
LOGIN_WRONG_SHORT_PASS = "Password length at least 5 characters long."
LOGIN_WRONG_SYM_PASS = "The password contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_ADMIN_ACCOUNT = "Sorry, but you can not delete your account because you are an Administrator. Please refer to the Chief Administrator of the site."
LOGIN_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Delete your account"
LOGIN_DELETE_INFO = "Everything is ready for the final disposal of your account from the system. Remember that deleting your account, you will lose access to the site, allowed only for registered users. Are you sure you want to delete my account?"
LOGIN_DELETE_OK = "Your account has been successfully removed."
LOGIN_CHANGED_OK = "Profile Settings saved successfully"
LOGIN_CHANGE_DETAILS = "Personal Information"
LOGIN_DATE_FORMAT = "(dd.mm.yyyy)"
LOGIN_DETAILS_INFO = "Profile Settings allow you to manage your personal data. Please fill in the fields, specifying the relevant information."
LOGIN_ERRORS = "During the registration process have the following error:"
LOGIN_WRONG_BIRTHDAY = "Date of Birth field is specified in an incorrect format."
LOGIN_WRONG_DATE = "Incorrect day of your birth (<b> DD </ b>. MM.GGGG)"
LOGIN_WRONG_EMAIL = "E-mail field is specified in an incorrect format."
LOGIN_WRONG_FAX = "Fax Field House is empty, or contains invalid simovly."
LOGIN_WRONG_FN_EMPTY = "The Name field is not filled."
LOGIN_WRONG_FIRSTNAME = "The Name field contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_WRONG_HOUSE = "The field house number is blank or contains invalid simovly."
LOGIN_WRONG_INUSE = "The specified E-mail address is already used in the system."
LOGIN_WRONG_LN_EMPTY = "Last Name field is not filled."
LOGIN_WRONG_LASTNAME = "Field Name contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_WRONG_MONTH = "Incorrect month of your birth (MM DD. <b> </ b>. YYYY)"
LOGIN_WRONG_PHONE = "phone number field is blank or contains invalid simovly."
LOGIN_WRONG_STREET = "Field Street is empty or contains invalid characters."
LOGIN_WRONG_TOWN = "City Field is blank or contains invalid simovly."
LOGIN_WRONG_YEAR = "Incorrect year of your birth (YYYY DD.MM. <b> </ b>)"
LOGIN_WRONG_ZIP = "Postal Code field is blank or contains invalid simovly."
LOGIN_YOUR_HOUSE = "house number"
LOGIN_YOUR_PHONE = "Telephone"
LOGIN_YOUR_ZIP = "Zip code"
LOGIN_BLACK_DOMAINS = "Black list of domains: <br /> <small> Specify the domains from which prohibited registration. One domain on one line. </ Small>"
LOGIN_BLACK_EMAILS = "Black List E-mail: <br /> <small> Enter E-mail addresses from which registration is prohibited. One E-mail address on line! </ Small>"
LOGIN_BUTTON_SAVE = "Save Changes"
LOGIN_ENABLE_REGISTER = "Allow registration?"
LOGIN_MODULE_EDIT = "Configure module"
LOGIN_MODULE_INFO = "In this section you can configure the module in accordance with the required parameters, as well as to determine the lists of domain names and e-mail addresses will be allowed to register on the site."
LOGIN_MODULE_NAME = "Management module <span style=\"color: #000;\">> Log in </ span>"
LOGIN_SHOW_COMPANY = "Show the field organization?"
LOGIN_SHOW_FIRSTNAME = "Display Name field?"
LOGIN_SHOW_LASTNAME = "Display Name field?"
LOGIN_TYPE_BYADMIN = "After confirming the Administrators'
LOGIN_TYPE_BYEMAIL = "After confirmation via E-mail"
LOGIN_TYPE_NOW = "Immediately after recording"
LOGIN_USE_SCODE = "Use the security code?"