config_load($lang_file, 'showpoll'); $row = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT poll.*, SUM(itm.poll_item_hits) AS sumhits FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll AS poll LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items AS itm ON poll_id = WHERE = '" . $pid . "' AND poll.poll_title != '' AND poll.poll_status = '1' AND poll.poll_start < '" . time() . "' GROUP BY ")->FetchRow(); if (!$row) return; $poll_groups_id = empty($row->poll_groups_id) ? array() : explode(',', $row->poll_groups_id); $poll_users_id = empty($row->poll_users_id) ? array() : explode(',', $row->poll_users_id); $poll_users_ip = empty($row->poll_users_ip) ? array() : explode(',', $row->poll_users_ip); $current_user_ip = empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? '' : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (@in_array($current_user_ip, $poll_users_ip) || @in_array($_SESSION['user_id'], $poll_users_id) || (isset($_COOKIE['poll_' . $pid]) && $_COOKIE['poll_' . $pid] == '1') ) { $row->message = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_ALREADY_POLL'); } elseif (!(@in_array(UGROUP, $poll_groups_id))) { $row->message = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_NO_PERMISSION'); } elseif ($row->poll_end < time()) { $row->message = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_EXPIRED'); } $items = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT *, " . ($row->sumhits > 0 ? 'ROUND(poll_item_hits*100/' . $row->sumhits . ')' : 0) . " AS sum FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' ORDER BY poll_item_position ASC "); while ($row_items = $sql->FetchRow()) { array_push($items, $row_items); } $AVE_Template->assign('formaction', 'index.php?module=poll&action=vote&pid=' . $pid); $AVE_Template->assign('formaction_result', $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=result&pid=' . $pid)); $AVE_Template->assign('formaction_archive', $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=archive')); $AVE_Template->assign('poll', $row); $AVE_Template->assign('items', $items); if (isset($row->message)) { $AVE_Template->display($tpl_dir . 'poll_nav_result.tpl'); } else { $AVE_Template->display($tpl_dir . 'poll_nav.tpl'); } } /** * Учет результатов опроса * * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollVote($pid) { global $AVE_DB; $row = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' ")->FetchRow(); $poll_groups_id = empty($row->poll_groups_id) ? array() : explode(',', $row->poll_groups_id); $poll_users_id = empty($row->poll_users_id) ? array() : explode(',', $row->poll_users_id); $poll_users_ip = empty($row->poll_users_ip) ? array() : explode(',', $row->poll_users_ip); $current_user_ip = empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? '' : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $back = $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=result&pid=' . $pid); if (!(@in_array(UGROUP, $poll_groups_id))) { header('Location:' . $back); exit; } if (@in_array($current_user_ip, $poll_users_ip) || @in_array($_SESSION['user_id'], $poll_users_id) || $_COOKIE['poll_' . $pid] == '1') { header('Location:' . $back); exit; } setcookie('poll_' . $pid, '1', time() + 3600 * 3600); $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items SET poll_item_hits = poll_item_hits + 1 WHERE id = '" . (int)$_POST['p_item'] . "' "); $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_poll SET poll_users_ip = CONCAT_WS(',', poll_users_ip, '" . $current_user_ip . "') " . ((UGROUP != 2) ? ", poll_users_id = CONCAT_WS(',', poll_users_id, '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "')" : '') . " WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' "); header('Location:' . $back); exit; } /** * Подробная информация и статистика опроса, комментарии пользователей * * @param string $tpl_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollResultShow($tpl_dir, $lang_file, $pid) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'showresult'); if (isset($_REQUEST['sub']) && $_REQUEST['sub'] == 'new') { $errors = $this->pollCommentNew($pid); if (sizeof($errors) == 0) { header('Location:' . $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=result&pid=' . $pid)); exit; } $AVE_Template->assign('errors', $errors); } $poll = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT poll.*, SUM(itm.poll_item_hits) AS votes FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll AS poll LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items AS itm ON poll_id = WHERE = '" . $pid . "' AND poll.poll_title != '' AND poll.poll_status = '1' AND poll.poll_start < '" . time() . "' GROUP BY ")->FetchRow(); if ($poll === false) return; $items = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT *, " . ($poll->votes > 0 ? 'ROUND(poll_item_hits*100/' . $poll->votes . ')' : 0) . " AS sum FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' ORDER BY poll_item_position ASC "); while ($row_items = $sql->FetchRow()) { array_push($items, $row_items); } if ($poll->poll_can_comment == 1) { //include_once(BASE_DIR . '/lib/markitup/sets/bbcode/markitup.bbcode-parser.php'); $comments = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT cmnt.*, IFNULL(firstname, '') AS firstname, IFNULL(lastname, '" . $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_GUEST') . "') AS lastname FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments AS cmnt LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_users AS usr ON usr.Id = cmnt.poll_comment_author_id WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' ORDER BY poll_comment_time DESC "); while ($row_comments = $sql->FetchRow()) { $row_comments->poll_comment_text = $row_comments->poll_comment_text; array_push($comments, $row_comments); } $poll->count_comments = $sql->NumRows(); } $poll_users_id = empty($poll->poll_users_id) ? array() : explode(',', $poll->poll_users_id); $poll_users_ip = empty($poll->poll_users_ip) ? array() : explode(',', $poll->poll_users_ip); $current_user_ip = empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? '' : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $is_vote = 1; if (@in_array($current_user_ip, $poll_users_ip) || @in_array($_SESSION['user_id'], $poll_users_id) || (isset($_COOKIE['poll_' . $pid]) && $_COOKIE['poll_' . $pid] == '1')) { $is_vote = 0; } $rights = 0; $groups = array(); if ($poll->poll_groups_id != '') { $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT user_group, user_group_name FROM " . PREFIX . "_user_groups WHERE user_group IN(" . $poll->poll_groups_id . ") "); while ($row_g = $sql->FetchRow()) { if (UGROUP == $row_g->user_group) $rights = 1; array_push($groups, $row_g->user_group_name); } } $poll->can_vote = ($is_vote == 1 && $rights == 1) ? 1 : 0; $poll->groups = implode(', ', $groups); $poll->can_comment = ($poll->poll_status == 1 && $poll->poll_can_comment == 1 && $rights == 1) ? 1 : 0; $poll->anti_spam = ($this->_antispam == 1 && function_exists('imagettftext') && function_exists('imagejpeg')) ? 1 : 0; $poll->comment_max_chars = $this->_commentwords; $poll->items = $items; $poll->comments = $comments; $poll->formaction = 'index.php?module=poll&action=vote&pid=' . $pid; $poll->link_result = $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=result&pid=' . $pid); // $poll->link_archive = $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=archive'); // $poll->link_comment = $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=form&pop=1&pid=' . $pid); $AVE_Template->assign('poll', $poll); define('MODULE_SITE', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX') . $poll->poll_title); define('MODULE_CONTENT', $AVE_Template->fetch($tpl_dir . 'result.tpl')); } /** * Список завершенных и действующих опросов * * @param string $tpl_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля */ function pollArchiveShow($tpl_dir, $lang_file) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; if (empty($_REQUEST['order'])) { $order = 'poll_title'; } else { switch ($_REQUEST['order']) { case 'title': $order = 'poll_title'; break; case 'start': $order = 'poll_start'; break; case 'end': $order = 'poll_end'; break; case 'votes': $order = 'votes'; break; default: $order = 'poll_title'; break; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['by']) && $_REQUEST['by'] == 'desc') { $order .= ' DESC'; } else { $order .= ' ASC'; } $items = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT, poll.poll_title, poll.poll_start, poll.poll_end, SUM(itm.poll_item_hits) AS votes FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll AS poll LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items AS itm ON poll_id = WHERE poll.poll_title != '' AND poll.poll_status = '1' AND poll.poll_start < '" . time() . "' GROUP BY ORDER BY " . $order ); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $row->plink = $this->_pollLinkRewrite('index.php?module=poll&action=result&pid=' . $row->id); array_push($items, $row); } $AVE_Template->assign('items', $items); $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'showarchive'); define('MODULE_SITE', $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_ARCHIVE_TITLE')); define('MODULE_CONTENT', $AVE_Template->fetch($tpl_dir . 'archive.tpl')); } /** * Метод отображения комментариев * * @param string $tpl_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля * @param ini $pid идентификатор опроса * @param string $theme * @param string $errors * @param string $text * @param string $title */ function pollCommentShow($tpl_dir, $lang_file, $pid, $theme, $errors='', $text='', $title='') { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'displayform'); $row = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' LIMIT 1 ")->FetchRow(); $groups = explode(',', $row->poll_groups_id); if ($row->poll_status == 1 && $row->poll_can_comment == 1 && in_array(UGROUP, $groups)) { $AVE_Template->assign('cancomment', 1); } $AVE_Template->assign('max_chars', $this->_commentwords); if ($this->_antispam == 1 && function_exists('imagettftext') && function_exists('imagejpeg')) { $AVE_Template->assign('anti_spam', 1); } if (!empty($errors)) $AVE_Template->assign('errors', $errors); $AVE_Template->assign('theme_folder', $theme); $AVE_Template->assign('title', $title); $AVE_Template->assign('text', $text); $AVE_Template->display($tpl_dir . 'poll_form.tpl'); } /** * Метод создания нового комментария * * @param string $tpl_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollCommentNew($pid) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $errors = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) && $_REQUEST['ajax'] == 1) { $comment_title = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1251', $_POST['comment_title']); $comment_text = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1251', $_POST['comment_text']); } else { $comment_title = $_POST['comment_title']; $comment_text = $_POST['comment_text']; } $text = (mb_strlen($comment_text) > $this->_commentwords) ? mb_substr($comment_text, 0, $this->_commentwords) . '...' : $comment_text; if (mb_strlen($text) <= 10) $errors[] = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_ENTER_TEXT'); if (empty($comment_title)) $errors[] = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_ENTER_TITLE'); if ($this->_antispam == 1) { if (! (isset($_SESSION['captcha_keystring']) && isset($_POST['securecode']) && $_SESSION['captcha_keystring'] == $_POST['securecode'])) { $errors[] = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_ENTER_CODE'); } unset($_SESSION['captcha_keystring']); } if (sizeof($errors) == 0) { $poll_groups_id = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT poll_groups_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' AND poll_status = '1' AND poll_can_comment = '1' ")->GetCell(); if (!empty($poll_groups_id) && in_array(UGROUP, explode(',', $poll_groups_id))) { $author_id = isset($_SESSION['user_id']) ? $_SESSION['user_id'] : 0; $author_ip = empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? '' : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $AVE_DB->Query(" INSERT " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments SET poll_id = '" . $pid . "', poll_comment_time = '" . time() . "', poll_comment_author_id = '" . $author_id . "', poll_comment_author_ip = '" . $author_ip . "', poll_comment_title = '" . $comment_title . "', poll_comment_text = '" . $text . "' "); return $errors; } $errors[] = $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('POLL_ERROR_PERM'); } return $errors; } /** * Методы административной части *****************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Метод вывода списка опросов * * @param string $adm_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля */ function pollList($adm_dir, $lang_file) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'showpolls'); $num = $AVE_DB->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll")->GetCell(); $limit = $this->_adminlimit; $pages = ceil($num / $limit); $start = get_current_page() * $limit - $limit; $items = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll LIMIT " . $start . "," . $limit ); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $row_hits = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT SUM(poll_item_hits) FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE poll_id = '" . $row->id . "' GROUP BY poll_id ")->GetCell(); $row->sum_hits = floor($row_hits); $row->comments = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments WHERE poll_id = '" . $row->id . "' ")->GetCell(); array_push($items, $row); } if ($num > $limit) { $page_nav = " {t} "; $page_nav = get_pagination($pages, 'page', $page_nav); $AVE_Template->assign('page_nav', $page_nav); } $AVE_Template->assign('items', $items); $AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch($adm_dir . 'admin_forms.tpl')); } /** * Метод создания нового опроса * * @param string $adm_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля */ function pollNew($adm_dir, $lang_file) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'newpolls'); switch ($_REQUEST['sub']) { case '': $groups = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT user_group AS id, user_group_name AS name FROM " . PREFIX . "_user_groups "); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $groups[$row->id] = $row->name; } $AVE_Template->assign('published', time()); $AVE_Template->assign('expire', mktime(date("H"), date("i"), 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") + 10)); $AVE_Template->assign('groups', $groups); $AVE_Template->assign('selected', array_keys($groups)); $AVE_Template->assign('start', time()); $AVE_Template->assign('end', time()); $AVE_Template->assign('adm_dir', $adm_dir); $AVE_Template->assign('formaction', 'index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=new&sub=save&cp=' . SESSION); $AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch($adm_dir . 'admin_fields.tpl')); break; case 'save': $_REQUEST['poll_published'] = $this->_mktime($_REQUEST['poll_published']); $_REQUEST['poll_expire'] = $this->_mktime($_REQUEST['poll_expire']); $_REQUEST['poll_status'] = (!empty($_REQUEST['poll_status'])) ? (int)$_REQUEST['poll_status'] : '0'; $_REQUEST['poll_can_comment'] = (!empty($_REQUEST['poll_can_comment'])) ? (int)$_REQUEST['poll_can_comment'] : '0'; $AVE_DB->Query(" INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_module_poll SET id = '', poll_title = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_name'] . "', poll_status = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_status'] . "', poll_groups_id = '" . @implode(',', $_REQUEST['groups']) . "', poll_users_id = '0', poll_users_ip = '0', poll_can_comment = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_can_comment'] . "', poll_start = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_published'] . "', poll_end = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_expire'] . "' "); $iid = $AVE_DB->InsertId(); reportLog($_SESSION['user_name'] . ' - Добавил новый опрос (' . stripslashes($_REQUEST['poll_name']) . ')'); header('Location:index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=edit&id=' . $iid . '&cp=' . SESSION); exit; } } /** * Метод записи вариантов ответа нового опроса * * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollNewItemSave($pid) { global $AVE_DB; if (!empty($_POST['item_title'])) { $position = (int)$AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT MAX(poll_item_position) FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' ")->GetCell() + 1; $AVE_DB->Query(" INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items SET id = '', poll_id = '" . $pid . "', poll_item_title = '" . $_REQUEST['item_title'] . "', poll_item_hits = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_item_hits'] . "', poll_item_color = '" . $_REQUEST['line_color'] . "', poll_item_position = '" . $position . "' "); } reportLog($_SESSION['user_name'] . ' - Добавил новый вариант ответа (' . ($_REQUEST['item_title']) . ') для опроса', 2, 2); header('Location:index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=edit&id=' . $pid . '&cp=' . SESSION); exit; } /** * Метод редактирования опроса * * @param string $adm_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollEdit($adm_dir, $lang_file, $pid) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'editpolls'); switch ($_REQUEST['sub']) { case '': $items = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' ORDER BY poll_item_position ASC "); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { array_push($items, $row); } $groups = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT user_group AS id, user_group_name AS name FROM " . PREFIX . "_user_groups "); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $groups[$row->id] = $row->name; } $row = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' ")->FetchRow(); $AVE_Template->assign('groups', $groups); $AVE_Template->assign('selected', explode(',', $row->poll_groups_id)); $AVE_Template->assign('row', $row); $AVE_Template->assign('items', $items); $AVE_Template->assign('adm_dir', $adm_dir); $AVE_Template->assign('start', $row->poll_start); $AVE_Template->assign('end', $row->poll_end); $AVE_Template->assign('formaction', 'index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=save&cp=' . SESSION . '&id=' . $pid); $AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch($adm_dir . 'admin_fields.tpl')); break; case 'sortable': foreach ($_REQUEST['sort'] as $position => $items_id) { $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items SET poll_item_position = '" . (int)$position . "' WHERE id = '" . (int)$items_id . "' "); } exit; } } /** * Метод записи изменений в опросе * * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollSave($pid) { global $AVE_DB; $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_poll SET poll_title = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_name'] . "', poll_status = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_status'] . "', poll_can_comment = '" . $_REQUEST['poll_can_comment'] . "', poll_start = '" . $this->_mktime($_REQUEST['poll_published']) . "', poll_end = '" . $this->_mktime($_REQUEST['poll_expire']). "', poll_groups_id = '" . @implode(',', (array)$_REQUEST['groups']) . "' WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' "); if (!empty($_POST['del'])) { foreach ($_POST['del'] as $id => $field) { $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); } } foreach ($_POST['item_title'] as $id => $field) { if (!empty($field)) { $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items SET poll_item_title = '" . $field . "', poll_item_hits = '" . $_POST['poll_item_hits'][$id] . "', poll_item_color = '" . $_POST['line_color'][$id] . "' WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); } } header('Location:index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=edit&id=' . $pid . '&cp=' . SESSION); exit; } /** * Метод удаления опроса * * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollDelete($pid) { global $AVE_DB; $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' "); $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_items WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' "); $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' "); reportLog($_SESSION['user_name'] . ' - удалил опрос (' . $pid . ')', 2, 2); header('Location:index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=1&cp=' . SESSION); exit; } /** * Метод управления комментариями к опросам * * @param string $tpl_dir путь к папке с шаблонами модуля * @param string $lang_file путь к языковому файлу модуля * @param int $pid идентификатор опроса */ function pollCommentEdit($adm_dir, $lang_file, $pid) { global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; $AVE_Template->config_load($lang_file, 'showcomments'); switch ($_REQUEST['sub']) { case '': $items = array(); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments WHERE poll_id = '" . $pid . "' "); while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) { $row->poll_comment_author = get_username_by_id($row->poll_comment_author_id); array_push($items, $row); } $AVE_Template->assign('items', $items); $AVE_Template->assign('adm_dir', $adm_dir); $AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch($adm_dir . 'admin_comments.tpl')); break; case 'save': if (!empty($_POST['del'])) { foreach ($_POST['del'] as $id => $val) { $AVE_DB->Query(" DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); } } foreach ($_POST['comment_text'] as $id => $comment) { if (!empty($comment)) { $AVE_DB->Query(" UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_module_poll_comments SET poll_comment_title = '" . $_POST['comment_title'][$id] . "', poll_comment_text = '" . $comment . "' WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); } } header('Location:index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=poll&moduleaction=comments&id=' . $pid . '&cp=' . SESSION); exit; } } /** * Формитрование метки времени по данным полученным из выпадающих списков * сформированных Smarty {html_select_date} и {html_select_time} * * @param string $date имя массива с значениями даты * @param string $time имя массива с значениями времени * @return unknown timestamp */ function _mktime($data=0) { $data = explode(" ", $data); $stamp[day] = explode(".", $data[0]); $stamp[time] = explode(":", $data[1]); if (!empty($stamp)) { $timestamp = mktime( $stamp[time][0], $stamp[time][1], 0, $stamp[day][1], $stamp[day][0], $stamp[day][2] ); } return $timestamp; } } ?>