2016-06-18 20:59:07 +03:00
< style type = " text/css " >
. level_1 : before { content : " \203 a \ a0 " ;}
. level_2 : before { margin - left : 10 px ; content : " \21 b3 \ a0 " ;}
. level_3 : before { margin - left : 25 px ; content : " \21 b3 \ a0 " ;}
</ style >
2016-06-15 00:07:47 +03:00
< ? php
* AVE . cms - Модуль Быстрый переход
* @ package AVE . cms
* @ subpackage module_QuickFinder
* @ filesource
if ( ! defined ( 'BASE_DIR' )) exit ;
if ( defined ( 'ACP' ))
$modul [ 'ModuleName' ] = 'Быстрый переход' ;
$modul [ 'ModuleSysName' ] = 'quickfinder' ;
2016-06-18 20:59:07 +03:00
$modul [ 'ModuleVersion' ] = '1.2.1' ;
2016-06-15 00:07:47 +03:00
$modul [ 'ModuleDescription' ] = 'Данный модуль является альтернативным способом организации меню навигации на сайте. Он представлен в виде выпадающего списка разделов и подразделов вашего сайта. Для использования модуля, разместите системный тег <strong>[mod_quickfinder:XXX]</strong> в нужном месте вашего шаблона, где XXX - идентификаторы меню навигации указанные через запятую.' ;
$modul [ 'ModuleAutor' ] = 'Arcanum, UPD Repellent ' ;
$modul [ 'ModuleCopyright' ] = '© 2007-2016 AVE.CMS' ;
$modul [ 'ModuleIsFunction' ] = 1 ;
$modul [ 'ModuleAdminEdit' ] = 0 ;
$modul [ 'ModuleFunction' ] = 'mod_quickfinder' ;
$modul [ 'ModuleTag' ] = '[mod_quickfinder:XXX]' ;
$modul [ 'ModuleTagLink' ] = null ;
$modul [ 'ModuleAveTag' ] = '#\\\[mod_quickfinder:([\\\d,]*)]#' ;
$modul [ 'ModulePHPTag' ] = " <?php mod_quickfinder('' $ 1''); ?> " ;
function mod_quickfinder ( $navi_ids = '' )
global $AVE_DB , $AVE_Core , $navigations ;
if ( ! empty ( $navi_ids ))
$sql = array ();
$navi_ids = explode ( ',' , $navi_ids );
foreach ( $navi_ids as $navi_id )
if ( is_numeric ( $navi_id ) && check_navi_permission ( $navi_id ))
$sql [] = " (
navigation_item_id ,
parent_id ,
title ,
document_id ,
target ,
level ,
alias ,
0 AS active
FROM " . PREFIX . " _navigation_items
WHERE status = '1'
AND navigation_id = " . $navi_id . "
ORDER BY position ASC
) " ;
$sql = implode ( ' UNION ' , $sql );
if ( empty ( $sql )) return ;
$navigations = get_navigations ();
if ( empty ( $navigations )) return ;
$navi_in = array ();
foreach ( $navigations as $navigation )
if ( in_array ( UGROUP , $navigation -> user_group ))
array_push ( $navi_in , $navigation -> navigation_id );
if ( sizeof ( $navi_in )) {
$sql = "
navigation_item_id ,
parent_id ,
title ,
document_id ,
target ,
level ,
alias ,
0 AS active
FROM " . PREFIX . " _navigation_items
WHERE status = '1'
AND navigation_id IN ( " . implode(',', $navi_in ) . " )
ORDER BY navigation_id ASC , position ASC
" ;
return ;
$nav_items = array ();
$sql = $AVE_DB -> Query ( $sql );
while ( $row_nav_item = $sql -> FetchAssocArray ())
if ( empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'module' ]))
$curent_doc_id = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) && is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'id' ])) ? $_GET [ 'id' ] : 1 ;
if ( $row_nav_item [ 'alias' ] == $AVE_Core -> curentdoc -> document_alias ||
'index.php?id=' . $row_nav_item [ 'document_id' ] == 'index.php?id=' . $curent_doc_id )
$row_nav_item [ 'active' ] = 1 ;
if ( 'index.php?id=' . $row_nav_item [ 'document_id' ] == 'index.php?module=' . $_REQUEST [ 'module' ])
$row_nav_item [ 'active' ] = 1 ;
$nav_items [ $row_nav_item [ 'parent_id' ]][] = $row_nav_item ;
if ( sizeof ( $nav_items ))
$quickfinder = '<select class="form-control" name="quickfinder" onchange="eval(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">' ;
$quickfinder .= '<option></option>' ;
printQuickfinder ( $nav_items , $quickfinder );
echo $quickfinder . '</select>' ;
2016-06-18 20:59:07 +03:00
$sql -> Close ();
2016-06-15 00:07:47 +03:00
function printQuickfinder ( & $nav_items , & $quickfinder = '' , $parent = '0' )
foreach ( $nav_items [ $parent ] as $row )
if ( strpos ( 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ], 'module=' ) === false && start_with ( 'index.php?' , 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ]))
'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ] .= '&doc=' . ( empty ( $row [ 'alias' ]) ? prepare_url ( $row [ 'title' ]) : $row [ 'alias' ]);
if ( start_with ( 'www.' , 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ]))
'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ] = str_replace ( 'www.' , 'http://www.' , 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ]);
'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ] = rewrite_link ( 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ]);
2016-06-18 20:59:07 +03:00
if ( $row [ 'alias' ] == '/' ) {
2016-06-15 00:07:47 +03:00
if ( ! start_with ( 'javascript:' , 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ]))
if ( $row [ 'target' ] == '_blank' )
$row [ 'alias' ] = " javascript:window.open(' " . $row [ 'alias' ] . " ', '', '') " ;
$row [ 'alias' ] = " window.location.href = ' " . $row [ 'alias' ] . " ' " ;
2016-06-18 20:59:07 +03:00
} else {
if ( ! start_with ( 'javascript:' , 'index.php?id=' . $row [ 'document_id' ]))
if ( $row [ 'target' ] == '_blank' )
$row [ 'alias' ] = " javascript:window.open(' " . ABS_PATH . $row [ 'alias' ] . " ', '', '') " ;
$row [ 'alias' ] = " window.location.href = ' " . ABS_PATH . $row [ 'alias' ] . " ' " ;
2016-06-15 00:07:47 +03:00
$quickfinder .= '<option class="level_' . $row [ 'level' ] . '" value="' . $row [ 'alias' ] . '"' . ( $row [ 'active' ] == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . pretty_chars ( $row [ 'title' ]) . '</option>' ;
2016-06-18 20:59:07 +03:00
2016-06-15 00:07:47 +03:00
if ( isset ( $nav_items [ $row [ 'navigation_item_id' ]]))
printQuickfinder ( $nav_items , $quickfinder , $row [ 'navigation_item_id' ]);