Модуль Unicalendar - календарь событий v1.26.8
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.4 KiB

define('BASE_DIR', str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))));
require_once(BASE_DIR . '/inc/init.php');
require_once(BASE_DIR . '/modules/unicalendar/lang/ru.php');
if (! check_permission('adminpanel'))
if (isset($_POST['c']))
global $AVE_DB;
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query("
SELECT Id, rubric_title
FROM " . PREFIX . "_rubrics
echo "<option style='color: #ABABAB;' value='' >".$select_category."</option>";
while($result = $sql->FetchRow()){
echo "<option value=".$result->Id.">".$result->rubric_title."</option>";
if (isset($_POST['a']))
global $AVE_DB;
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query("
SELECT Id, document_alias, document_title, document_published, document_meta_description
FROM " . PREFIX . "_documents
WHERE rubric_id = '" . $_POST['b'] . "' AND Id !=1 && Id != '".PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ID."'
$u_sel_doc = array();
while ($row = $sql->FetchAssocArray())
array_push($u_sel_doc, $row);
foreach ( $u_sel_doc as $k=>$v )
echo "<tr class='noborder'><td align='center'><input type='checkbox' class='my-checkbox' name='u_chek".$v['Id']."' value='".$v['Id']."'></td>"."<td align='center'>".$v['Id']."</td>"."<td>".$v['document_title']."</td>"."<td align='center'>".$v['document_published'] = pretty_date(strftime(TIME_FORMAT, $v['document_published']))."</td></tr>";