M@d D3n
5 years ago
13 changed files with 2218 additions and 0 deletions
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<h6 id="header">{#mod_run_header_search_docs#}</h6> |
<div> |
{#mod_run_search_finded#} <span id="allRecords">{$count}</span> |
<br> |
{#mod_run_search_ready#} <span id="readyRecords">{if $work.last_count}{$work.last_count - 1}{else}0{/if}</span> |
</div> |
<div id="progressbar" style="display: block; clear: both; margin-top: 10px;"></div> |
<div id="procents" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px; font-weight: 600;">0%</div> |
<div id="delay" class="highlight yellow" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;"> |
{#mod_run_search_no_data#} |
</div> |
<div id="saveTime" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;"></div> |
<div id="runData" data-rubric-id="{$rubric_id}" data-work-id="{$work_id}" data-records-counts="{$count}" data-records-start="{if $work.last_count}{$work.last_count - 1}{else}0{/if}"></div> |
</div> |
<div class="rowElem logDiv" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="saveBtn"> |
<a href="cp={$sess}" class="button greyishBtn btnLogs" style="text-align: center; width: 100%; display: block; line-height: 20px; height: 20px;">{#mod_run_btn_see_log#}</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="showLog" class="widget first" {if $work.last_count == 0}style="display: none"{/if}> |
<div class="rowElem"> |
<div class="saveBtn"> |
<a href="index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=workdocs&moduleaction=log&work_id={$work_id}&cp={$sess}" class="button greyishBtn btnLogs" style="text-align: center; width: 100%; display: block; line-height: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 5px 0;">{#mod_run_btn_see_log#}</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{if $work.show_logs} |
<div id="stepDocs" class="widget first"> |
<div class="head"> |
<h5 class="iFrames">{#mod_run_tbl_log#}</h5> |
</div> |
<table id="logTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="tableStatic mainForm"> |
<col width="30" /> |
<col /> |
<col width="450" /> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<td>{#mod_run_tbl_log_id#}</td> |
<td>{#mod_run_tbl_log_name#}</td> |
<td>{#mod_run_tbl_log_log#}</td> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
{if $work.last_count} |
<tbody> |
</tbody> |
{else} |
<tr id="noRecords"> |
<td align="center" colspan="3"> |
<ul class="messages"> |
<li class="highlight yellow">{#mod_run_tbl_log_log_no#}</li> |
</ul> |
</td> |
</tr> |
{/if} |
</table> |
</div> |
{/if} |
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$ABS_PATH}modules/workdocs/js/workdocs.js"></script> |
{literal} |
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> |
var allRecords = $('#allRecords').html(), // Общее кол-во |
readyRecords = $('#readyRecords'), // Выполнено записей |
logTable = $('#logTable'), // Таблица с логами |
saveTime = $('#saveTime'), // Время обработки |
runData = $('#runData'), // Все для запуска |
progressbar = $('#progressbar'), // Прогрессбар |
procents = $('#procents'), // Прогрессбар |
limitSql = parseInt(runData.data('records-start')); |
$(document).ready(function() { |
"use strict"; |
ModuleWorkDocs.init(); |
ModuleWorkDocs.run(); |
}); |
</script> |
{/literal} |
@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
<?php |
class WorkDocs |
{ |
//-- Templates directory |
public static $tpl_dir; |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
/* |
|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _json |
|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Return array in JSON format |
| |
*/ |
public static function _json ($data, $exit = false) |
{ |
header("Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8"); |
$json = json_encode($data); |
if ($json === false) |
{ |
$json = json_encode(array("jsonError", json_last_error_msg())); |
if ($json === false) |
$json = '{"jsonError": "unknown"}'; |
http_response_code(500); |
} |
echo $json; |
if ($exit) |
exit; |
} |
private static function _get_all_rubrics () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$sql = " |
Id, |
rubric_title |
" . PREFIX . "_rubrics |
ORDER BY rubric_position ASC |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$rubrics = []; |
while ($rub = $sql->FetchAssocArray()) |
array_push($rubrics, $rub); |
return $rubrics; |
} |
private static function _get_rubric ($rubric_id = null) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$rubric_id = (isset($_REQUEST['rubric_id']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['rubric_id'] : $rubric_id); |
$sql = " |
* |
" . PREFIX . "_rubrics |
Id = {$rubric_id} |
LIMIT 0,1 |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
return $sql->FetchAssocArray(); |
} |
private static function _get_rubric_fields ($rubric_id = null) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; |
$rubric_id = (isset($_REQUEST['rubric_id']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['rubric_id'] : $rubric_id); |
// Поля |
$sql = " |
a.*, |
b.group_title, |
b.group_description, |
b.group_position |
" . PREFIX . "_rubric_fields AS a |
" . PREFIX . "_rubric_fields_group AS b |
ON a.rubric_field_group = b.Id |
a.rubric_id = '" . $rubric_id . "' |
b.group_position ASC, a.rubric_field_position ASC |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$fields_list = []; |
while ($row = $sql->FetchRow()) |
{ |
$group_id = ($row->rubric_field_group) ? $row->rubric_field_group : 0; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['group_position'] = ($row->group_position) ? $row->group_position : 100; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['group_title'] = $row->group_title; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['group_description'] = $row->group_description; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['Id'] = $row->Id; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_id'] = $row->rubric_id; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_group'] = $row->rubric_field_group; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_alias'] = $row->rubric_field_alias; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_title'] = $row->rubric_field_title; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_type'] = $row->rubric_field_type; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_numeric'] = $row->rubric_field_numeric; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_default'] = $row->rubric_field_default; |
$fields_list[$group_id]['fields'][$row->Id]['rubric_field_search'] = $row->rubric_field_search; |
} |
$fields_list = msort($fields_list, 'group_position'); |
$AVE_Template->assign('groups_count', count($fields_list)); |
$AVE_Template->assign('fields_list', $fields_list); |
$AVE_Template->assign('field_array', get_field_type()); |
} |
private static function _get_work ($work_id = null) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$work_id = (isset($_REQUEST['work_id']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['work_id'] : $work_id); |
$sql = " |
* |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
id = {$work_id} |
LIMIT 0,1 |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
return $sql->FetchAssocArray(); |
} |
private static function _get_works () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$sql = " |
* |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$works = []; |
while ($work = $sql->FetchAssocArray()) |
array_push($works, $work); |
return $works; |
} |
private static function _get_num_docs ($rubric_id = null) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$rubric_id = (isset($_REQUEST['rubric_id']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['rubric_id'] : $rubric_id); |
$sql = " |
count(Id) |
" . PREFIX . "_documents |
rubric_id = {$rubric_id} |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
return $sql->GetCell(); |
} |
private static function _get_document ($doc_id = null) |
{ |
if (! is_numeric($doc_id) OR $doc_id < 1) |
return false; |
$data = get_document($doc_id); |
$fields = get_document_fields ($doc_id); |
foreach ($fields AS $k => $v) |
if (is_numeric($k)) |
$data['feld'][$k] = self::_field_type_value($v); |
unset ($fields); |
return $data; |
} |
private static function _field_type_value ($data = []) |
{ |
if (empty($data)) |
return false; |
$func = 'get_field_' . $data['rubric_field_type']; |
if (! is_callable($func)) |
$func = 'get_field_default'; |
$field_value = $func($data['field_value'], 'api', $data['rubric_field_id'], null, null, $x, null, null, null, $data['rubric_field_default']); |
return $field_value; |
} |
private static function _set_first_start ($work_id) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
if (! $work_id) |
return false; |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs_logs |
work_id = {$work_id} |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
last_run = '" . time() . "', |
last_count = 0 |
id = {$work_id} |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
return true; |
} |
private static function _save_logs ($work_id, $document_id, $document_title, $rubric_id, $document_logs, $limit) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$document_title = htmlspecialchars($document_title, ENT_QUOTES); |
if ($document_logs) |
{ |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs_logs |
`work_id` = '{$work_id}', |
`rubric_id` = '{$rubric_id}', |
`document_id` = '{$document_id}', |
`document_title` = '{$document_title}', |
`last_run` = '" . time() . "', |
`logs` = '" . serialize($document_logs) . "' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
} |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
last_count = '" . ($limit + 1) . "' |
id = '{$work_id}' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
return true; |
} |
private static function _doc_save ($document_id, $rubric_id, $data, $code, $revisions, $logs) |
{ |
include_once BASE_DIR . '/class/class.docs.php'; |
$AVE_Document = new AVE_Document(); |
$document_id = $AVE_Document->documentSave($rubric_id, $document_id, $data, false, $code, $revisions, $logs, false); |
return $document_id; |
} |
private static function _get_logs_json ($work_id = null) |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$work = self::_get_work($work_id); |
$where = ''; |
switch ($_REQUEST['iSortCol_0']) |
{ |
case '0': |
$order = 'ORDER BY document_id '; |
break; |
case '1': |
$order = 'ORDER BY document_title '; |
break; |
case '2': |
$order = 'ORDER BY last_run '; |
break; |
case '3': |
$order = 'ORDER BY logs '; |
break; |
} |
$order .= $_REQUEST['sSortDir_0']; |
$start = $_REQUEST['iDisplayStart'] ? (int)$_REQUEST['iDisplayStart'] : 0; |
$finish = $_REQUEST['iDisplayLength'] ? (int)$_REQUEST['iDisplayLength'] : 40; |
if (isset($_REQUEST['sSearch']) && $_REQUEST['sSearch'] != '') |
{ |
$where = "AND (document_id LIKE '%{$_REQUEST['sSearch']}%'"; |
$where .= " OR document_title LIKE '%{$_REQUEST['sSearch']}%'"; |
$where .= " OR last_run LIKE '%{$_REQUEST['sSearch']}%'"; |
$where .= " OR logs LIKE '%{$_REQUEST['sSearch']}%')"; |
} |
$sql = " |
* |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs_logs |
work_id = '{$work_id}' |
{$where} |
{$order} |
LIMIT {$start},{$finish} |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$num = $AVE_DB->GetFoundRows(); |
$output = [ |
'sEcho' => (int)$_REQUEST['sEcho'], |
'iTotalRecords' => $num, |
'iTotalDisplayRecords' => $num, |
'aaData' => [] |
]; |
while ($log = $sql->FetchAssocArray()) |
{ |
$output['aaData'][] = [ |
'<a title="Edit" href="index.php?do=docs&action=edit&rubric_id='. $work['rubric_id'] .'&Id='. $log['document_id'] .'&cp='.SESSION.'" target="_blank">'. $log['document_id'] .'</a>', |
'<a title="Show" href="/index.php?id='. $log['document_id'] .'" target="_blank"><strong>' . $log['document_title'] . '</strong></a>', |
'<span class="date_text dgrey">' . translate_date(strftime(TIME_FORMAT, $log['last_run'])) . '</span>', |
'<small>' . implode('<br>', unserialize($log['logs'])) . '</small>' |
]; |
} |
return $output; |
} |
public static function _clear_text ($string = null, $span = false) |
{ |
// Убираем пробелы начало/конец |
$string = trim($string); |
// Замена <br> |
$replace = [ |
'<br />' => '<br>', |
'<br/>' => '<br>' |
]; |
$string = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $string); |
// RegExp |
$expression = [ |
// Убираем пустые теги |
'~<(p|span)>(?>\s+| |(?R))*</\1>~' => '', |
// Убираем стили из тегов |
'/(<[^>]+) style=".*?"/i' => '$1', |
// Убираем двойные пробелы |
'/\s{2,}/' => ' ', |
// Убираем переходы на новую строку |
'/[\t\n]/' => ' ', |
// Убираем пустые теги |
'/<(\w+)\b(?:\s+[\w\-.:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|"[^"]*"|[\w\-.:]+))?)*\s*\/?>\s*<\/\1\s*>/' => '' |
]; |
// Очищаем текст по условиям |
$string = preg_replace(array_keys($expression), array_values($expression), $string); |
// Убираем span |
if ($span) |
{ |
$replace = [ |
'<span>' => '', |
'</span>' => '' |
]; |
$string = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $string); |
} |
// Повторно проходимся по условиям |
$string = preg_replace(array_keys($expression), array_values($expression), $string); |
// Убираем пробелы начало/конец |
$string = trim($string); |
return $string; |
} |
public static function _is_image ($path = null) |
{ |
if (@is_array(getimagesize($path))) |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
public static function _if_exists ($path = null) |
{ |
if (file_exists($path)) |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
public static function _link_exists ($string = null) |
{ |
preg_match_all('#\bhttps?://[^,\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^,[:punct:]\s]|/))#', $string, $match); |
return $match[0]; |
} |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
public static function mainPage () |
{ |
global $AVE_Template; |
$AVE_Template->assign('works', self::_get_works()); |
$AVE_Template->assign('rubrics', self::_get_all_rubrics()); |
$AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch(self::$tpl_dir . 'main.tpl')); |
} |
public static function editWork () |
{ |
global $AVE_Template; |
$work_id = (isset($_REQUEST['work_id']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['work_id'] : ''); |
$rubric_id = (isset($_REQUEST['rubric_id']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['rubric_id'] : ''); |
if (! $work_id) |
{ |
$work = [ |
'title' => (isset($_REQUEST['title']) ? $_REQUEST['title'] : 'Без названия'), |
'description' => (isset($_REQUEST['description']) ? $_REQUEST['description'] : ''), |
'rubric_id' => $rubric_id |
]; |
$AVE_Template->assign('work', $work); |
} |
else |
{ |
$work = self::_get_work(); |
$rubric_id = $work['rubric_id']; |
} |
self::_get_rubric_fields($rubric_id); |
$AVE_Template->assign('work', $work); |
$AVE_Template->assign('work_id', $work_id); |
$AVE_Template->assign('rubric', self::_get_rubric($rubric_id)); |
$AVE_Template->assign('rubric_id', $rubric_id); |
$AVE_Template->assign('rubrics', self::_get_all_rubrics()); |
$AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch(self::$tpl_dir . 'edit.tpl')); |
} |
public static function saveWork () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
if (! $work_id) |
{ |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
title = '" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "', |
description = '" . $_REQUEST['description'] . "', |
rubric_id = '" . (int)$_REQUEST['rubric_id'] . "', |
save_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['save_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
code_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['code_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
revisions_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['revisions_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
logs_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['logs_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
self_sql = '" . $_REQUEST['self_sql'] . "', |
code_before = '" . $_REQUEST['code_before'] . "', |
code_after = '" . $_REQUEST['code_after'] . "' |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$work_id = $AVE_DB->InsertId(); |
} |
else |
{ |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
title = '" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "', |
description = '" . $_REQUEST['description'] . "', |
save_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['save_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
code_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['code_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
revisions_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['revisions_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
logs_enable = '" . ($_REQUEST['logs_enable'] ? '1' : '0') . "', |
self_sql = '" . $_REQUEST['self_sql'] . "', |
code_before = '" . $_REQUEST['code_before'] . "', |
code_after = '" . $_REQUEST['code_after'] . "' |
id = '" . $work_id . "' |
"; |
$sql = $AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
} |
$return = [ |
'success' => $sql ? true : false, |
'work_id' => $work_id, |
'message' => $sql ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mod_edit_save_succes_t') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mod_edit_save_error_t'), |
'header' => $sql ? $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mod_edit_save_succes_h') : $AVE_Template->get_config_vars('mod_edit_save_error_h'), |
'theme' => $sql ? 'accept' : 'error', |
]; |
if (isAjax()) |
{ |
self::_json($return, true); |
} |
else |
{ |
$location = $work_id |
? 'index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=workdocs&moduleaction=1&cp=' . SESSION |
: 'index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=workdocs&moduleaction=1&cp=' . SESSION; |
header('Location:' . $location); |
exit; |
} |
} |
public static function runWork () |
{ |
global $AVE_Template; |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
$work = self::_get_work($work_id); |
$rubric_id = $work['rubric_id']; |
$counts = self::_get_num_docs($rubric_id); |
$diff = ($counts == $work['last_count']); |
$AVE_Template->assign('work_id', $work_id); |
$AVE_Template->assign('work', $work); |
$AVE_Template->assign('diff', $diff); |
$AVE_Template->assign('rubric_id', $rubric_id); |
$AVE_Template->assign('count', $counts); |
$AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch(self::$tpl_dir . 'run.tpl')); |
} |
public static function stepOne () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB, $AVE_Template; |
Debug::startTime('step'); |
// Логи |
$document_logs = []; |
// Лимит |
$limit = (isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['limit'] : 0); |
// ID Работы |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
// Если не получено, то |
if (! $work_id) |
{ |
$return = ['success' => false]; |
self::_json($return, true); |
} |
// Получаем настройки |
$work = self::_get_work($work_id); |
// ID рубрики |
$rubric_id = (int)$work['rubric_id']; |
// Если первый документ, очищаем логи и ставим время обхода |
if ($limit == 0) |
self::_set_first_start($work_id); |
// Свой SQL, код |
if ($work['self_sql']) |
eval (' ?>' . $work['self_sql'] . '<?'.'php '); |
// SQL запрос, на получение ID документа |
if (! isset($sql)) |
{ |
$sql = " |
Id |
" . PREFIX . "_documents |
rubric_id = {$work['rubric_id']} |
LIMIT {$limit}, 1; |
"; |
} |
// Получаем ID документа |
if (! isset($document_id)) |
$document_id = $AVE_DB->Query($sql)->GetCell(); |
// Получаем данные документа, включая данные полей |
$data = self::_get_document($document_id); |
// Выполняем код перед сохранением документа |
if ($work['code_before'] > '') |
eval (' ?>' . $work['code_before'] . '<?'.'php '); |
// Сохранение документа, если стоит галочка и есть данные |
if ($work['save_enable'] == 1 && $data) |
$save_id = self::_doc_save($document_id, $rubric_id, $data, (bool)$work['code_enable'], (bool)$work['revisions_enable'], (bool)$work['logs_enable']); |
// Выполняем код после сохранением документа |
if ($work['code_after'] > '') |
eval (' ?>' . $work['code_after'] . '<?'.'php '); |
// Сохраняем логи |
self::_save_logs($work_id, $document_id, $data['document_title'], $rubric_id, $document_logs, $limit); |
// Ответ |
$return = [ |
'success' => true, |
'time' => Debug::endTime('step'), |
'limit' => $limit + 1, |
'document_id' => $document_id, |
'rubric_id' => $rubric_id, |
'document_title' => $data['document_title'], |
'document_alias' => $data['document_alias'], |
'document_log' => implode('<br>', $document_logs) |
]; |
self::_json($return, true); |
} |
public static function logWork () |
{ |
global $AVE_Template; |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
$AVE_Template->assign('work_id', $work_id); |
$AVE_Template->assign('work', self::_get_work($work_id)); |
$AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch(self::$tpl_dir . 'log.tpl')); |
} |
public static function logJson () |
{ |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
$output = self::_get_logs_json($work_id); |
self::_json($output, true); |
} |
public static function delWork () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
$location = 'index.php?do=modules&action=modedit&mod=workdocs&moduleaction=1&cp=' . SESSION; |
if (! $work_id) |
{ |
header('Location:' . $location); |
exit; |
} |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
id = '{$work_id}' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs_logs |
work_id = '{$work_id}' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
header('Location:' . $location); |
exit; |
} |
public static function clearWork () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$work_id = (int)$_REQUEST['work_id']; |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs_logs |
work_id = '{$work_id}' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
last_run = '', |
last_count = '0' |
id = '{$work_id}' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$return = [ |
'success' => true |
]; |
self::_json($return, true); |
} |
public static function clearWorks () |
{ |
global $AVE_DB; |
$sql = " |
TRUNCATE TABLE " . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs_logs |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$sql = " |
" . PREFIX . "_module_workdocs |
last_run = '', |
last_count = '0' |
"; |
$AVE_DB->Query($sql); |
$return = [ |
'success' => true |
]; |
self::_json($return, true); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
small { |
font-size: 11px; |
color: #687282; |
} |
tr.odd { |
background-color: #fff; |
} |
tr.even { |
background-color: #edf2f7; |
} |
tr.odd td.sorting_1 { |
background-color: #E3EBF2; |
} |
tr.even td.sorting_1 { |
background-color: #EDF2F7; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<?php |
if (! defined('BASE_DIR')) |
exit; |
$module = [ |
'ModuleSysName' => 'workdocs', |
'ModuleVersion' => '1.0', |
'ModuleAutor' => 'M@d D3n (support@ave-cms.ru)', |
'ModuleCopyright' => '© 2007-' . date('Y') . ' AVE.cms', |
'ModuleIsFunction' => false, |
'ModuleTemplate' => false, |
'ModuleAdminEdit' => true, |
'ModuleFunction' => 'mod_workdocs', |
'ModuleTag' => null, |
'ModuleTagLink' => null, |
'ModuleAveTag' => null, |
'ModulePHPTag' => null, |
'ModuleFieldFile' => null |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
var ModuleWorkDocs = { |
initialized: false, |
init: function () { |
if (this.initialized) |
return; |
this.initialized = true; |
}, |
index: function () { |
this.addWork(); |
this.deleteBtn(); |
this.clearLogs(); |
}, |
edit: function () { |
this.saveBtn(); |
this.MouseTrap(); |
}, |